Kirah Naidoo is an actor, dancer and model from London, United Kingdom who enjoys performing on stage in musical theatre and for film and television and has been since the age of 3. She is part of NYLA Talent the world’s leader in the talent development and consulting space where he has trained Connor Weil (Disney’s: KC Undercover).
Since starting her career, Kirah has participated in multiple musical theatre productions and competitions. When Kirah is not acting on stage or screen, she enjoys painting, listening to music, and baking.
Here are 5 fast facts about Kirah!

From London to Hollywood, Kirah just returned from iPOP!
I thoroughly enjoyed the modelling category as it was a new experience for me, being in the showcase and making friends with people from all around the world.
As a full time drama school student in the UK, her favorite monologue to do is…
My go to monologue is Jimmy Choo Shoes – reason being is I get to play a tougher character which is a little different from what I would usually play, allowing me to step out of my comfort zone and stretch my abilities and grow. I enjoy pushing myself and seeing where the character takes me.
“You wanna know why I did it, I get it. But really, there are hundreds of reasons, so it’s more like, why didn’t I do it sooner? Madison is always, like, shoving those bags that cost a thousand dollars or whatever, like, shoving them on my desk when she walks by, and telling me about how she’s donating her Jimmy Choo shoes to the thrift shop and maybe I can afford them there. She also flirts with my dad. Did you know that? When he picks me up from school, she always finds a way to bend over, like she’s in some movie. And she invited all the girls in our grade to the spa — except me. They went in a hot and cold sauna. I could—really, I could keep going, but the last thing she did, right before I got called to your office—and I hope, like, I hope all of this makes sense to you now.

If she could book any TV show or movie is would be …
A dream show would be to book anything related to the Spiderman movies or Pixar Cars movie. I’ve been watching these movies since I was little and I thoroughly enjoy cinema that can be interpreted differently at different points of your life, such as Big Bang Theory.
One thing she can’t live without is…
My family and friends, but if I had to choose an item, it would have to be my eyelash curler!
Kirah is a world traveler and adventurer!
I love traveling and have visited over 20 countries already. I’m also very adventurous and quite an adrenaline junkie. I have parasailed and would love to scuba dive or even just swim with whale sharks. I love the ocean; I’d say I am a water baby.
Wanna know more? You can connect with Kirah on her new Instagram