Sarah Dorothy Little is a comedic actress, rapper and social media influencer who has trained at The Groundlings Theatre & School in Los Angeles and recently starred in the short film Sisters: A Halloween Special, directed by Dennis Wot. She has also trained with Griffith Frank, a well-known and respected voice coach that works with many up-and-coming young singers.
Sarah just released her first original single, Catch My Woah (scroll down to bottom to watch) and has appeared in numerous social media videos that have gone viral. She has several new projects in the works, including a second short film called Sisters: A Valentines Special, a feature film (in development) called Sisters, and another original song called Shorty Lean Back.
Here’s 5 fast facts about Sarah Dorothy Little!

She’s got big plans.
I would like to be a guest star on a couple of televisions shows and then star in a comedy movie. My ultimate goal would be to be nominated in the Oscar category for Best Actress. Melissa McCarthy is someone I look up to, she is so funny! (Fun Fact: My hairdresser also does Melissa’s hair for events.)
There is just one person who can make her feel star struck.
I have never been star struck, but I have met quite a few YouTubers that I watched when I was younger who I would love to make videos with for both our channels. If I met Billie Eilish anywhere — it could be in Hollywood, at a meet and greet, or with my friends — I would probably be star struck but I would try to hold it in because that may be my only chance to talk to her for she is a very busy woman and I look up to her so much for that. (Fun Fact: Billie commented about me on a YouTube video I was in.)
Maybe don’t bring her to the movies with you if you expect to enjoy it quietly.
I was at a movie premiere with my best friends and we were all talking and I started to crack up laughing at what one of them said during a quiet part of the movie and it was really embarrassing. All my friends were like shhhh. Also everyone was looking at me like… and I was disappointed in myself, but I apologized and then we went to the after party where I continued to crack up laughing. (Fun Fact: One of the stars of the movie leaned down and dusted off my shoes at the after party while he was walking up the stairs! I still don’t know why.)
She is sporty.
I play volleyball competitively and go to tournaments every year with my team. I have played with the same 12 girls for two years now so we have gotten to know each other’s techniques and strong suits. For example, if a hard ball is coming in and the ball is going to a player that can’t really dig, they step out of the way for another player to help. If we miss a ball we don’t get mad at each other because the game is a team effort and we could have helped to keep the ball up or given a better pass. This year is going to be exciting because everyone has gotten really good!!
If it bleeds, don’t serve it to her.
I have been vegetarian for 3 years and I honestly don’t remember what meat tastes like so I have no urge to eat it. I became a vegetarian because of a movie called “Food Inc.” where it explained how the animals are produced. No one in my family eats meat either so I’m not exposed to it. Also one of my best friends is vegetarian so I rarely see meat at this point. (Fun Fact: My friend and I started being vegetarians at the same time even though we didn’t even know each other then!)