6 Tips on How to Find Out that Your Relationship is Really Serious

Nobody wants to spend time on relationships that will end in a month. How do you know when things are getting real? Check out these 6 signs that your romantic relationship is really serious.


Its okay to have different likes and interests

The same hobbies and interests are often considered a sign of genuine intimacy between people in love, but this is not always the case. Your understanding that your values and perspectives may not match is much more important. If a loved one is busy with something without you, and you are OK with it, this is a sign of mutual trust. If you tried to introduce your partner to your hobby, and this idea did not work out, but you still respect each other – this is a sign of a mature relationship.

You don’t try to change each other

We all think, react to events, solve problems, and behave in everyday life differently. Another person will inevitably do something in a way different from you, your parents, or a former partner. And it does not mean that you need to change him or her.

Sometimes it is worthwhile to put yourself in the place of your BF or GF in order to understand how important things that seem insignificant to you are to them. The more eccentric interests a partner has, the challenging it will be to date him or her. If you are old enough to use dating apps, you can see these the online dating profile pictures of a person and tell what they are into.

In the so-called Gestalt prayer, written by Fritz Perls, there are the following lines: “I’m not in the world to live up to your expectations, and you aren’t in the world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if we find each other by chance, it’s beautiful.”

You have the same basic values

Personal characteristics and different interests are not a problem, but there are some global issues that can become a stumbling block in a romantic relationship. They can refer to where to live (for example, one loves cities, and the other dreams of a farm life), whether to have children and pets, or how to build relationships in general (perhaps you want a traditional family, and your partner – an open relationship).

For some people, religious, political, or other ideological issues are fundamental. Relations with a person who shares a different ideology can be quite passionate but full of conflicts, and so they are unlikely to last long.

Your conversations aren’t all about you

Stories like “how I spent the day” are rarely fascinating. However, sincere sympathy and interest can transform even the most ordinary things into something amazing. If you can actually listen patiently without getting aggravated and wanting t talk only about YOU this is one of the sure signs that your relationship is serious.

What was it like for your BF or GF growing up? How did she get that littel scar on her eyebrow? What does he think about this or that news? If you are not interested in such things, this is a warning sign. If a partner does not listen to your stories and never asks for your opinion, then you are unlikely to be an important part of his or her life.

You are ready to accept help and afford assistance

Self-sufficient people have the most successful and happy relationships. But sometimes we all need the support of loved ones. For some people, especially those who were brought up on the belief that complaining and crying are shameful, it is difficult to open up and ask for help. However, if you really trust someone, you can do it.

The same goes for helping the other person. If you love them and your relationship is serious, you are ready to go above and beyond for them.

You know their family

If you are familiar with each other’s mother and dad, this is quite a serious sign of a long and serious relationship. Now, there are some people who acquaint parents with ALL their dates. But as a rule, this is a gesture of trust. Also, it’s important not only that you are acquainted with the family of your loved one but also how it was done. The accidental meeting does not count — it should be something more formal, like a dinner, when its serious.

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