Everyone is bummed out that Disney cancelled Girl Meets World after only three seasons. But they may soon have another show to look forward to: Andi Mack.

The show, created by Lizzie McGuire creator Terri Minksy, deals with a 13-year-old girl who has to adjust when her older sister unexpectedly returns home. Asher Angel, who has appeared in an episode of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn, plays the role of teen Jonah Beck. We got the chance to ask him a few questions about the show and about himself so that you get to know him a little better (before he gets SUPER FAMOUS and BUSY once the show starts airing!)
Read the interview below!

Photo by King Lawrence
Hi Asher, nice to e-meet you! Before we start talking about your new role on the upcoming Disney Channel show ‘Andi Mack,’ tell us a little about yourself.
I am 14 years old and currently live in Arizona. I really love acting, playing the guitar, hanging with my friends and being with my family.
Thanks. Okay let’s get into your new role. First, what is Andi Mack all about?
Andi Mack is about a 13 year old girl who is trying to make sense of her life. It really is a coming of age story and I think people will enjoy the show because they will be able to relate to the stories being told.
Tell us about your character, ‘Jonah’.
Jonah Beck is popular Middle School Frisbee team captain and also Andi’s secret crush. He is a thoughtful and sensitive guy. I actually have a lot in common with him and he is a blast to play!
What do you personally relate to most with your character?
His kindness and caring for other people.
When does it premiere?
It is set to premiere on Disney Channel this year!
Tell us what your fellow actors on the show are like (who is the quiet one, who is the loud one, etc.)…and which cast member do you get along with best?
All of the actors are so much fun to work with. I have so many great connections with each and every one of them. They are amazing and I very much look up to them not just as action but also as friends.
What was it like the first day on the set of Andi Mack– was it like you expected?
My first day on set was exactly what I hoped it would be. The opportunity to be around all these amazing and talented people that I admire and now have the opportunity to learn from. I am really grateful for the opportunity!

Photo by King Lawrence
What’s the weirdest or funniest thing to happen on the set?
We have a lot of interesting things that happen on set. I remember I went to the Jazz v Rockets game with one of my fellow cast mates and we were the only ones rooting for the Rockets. It was pretty funny and luckily everyone was a good sport about it.
Once the show airs, you will start getting a lot of attention in both the press (from journalists) and social media (from fans). Some attention will be good, but some will be bad – how does that make you feel? Are you prepared for what’s coming?
I hope I am prepared. I plan to be me and to stand up for what I believe in. I know there are always those that want to tear you down. I have already experienced that and plan to ignore that negativity. It surprises me that people choose that behavior…it is so much easier to be nice!
How do you plan to stay grounded and “yourself” and not get caught up in the negative side of show business?
I have a great family. We all love each other very much and my parents are always around. They have taught us the difference between right and wrong and how to respect ourselves and others. I plan to make my family proud of me and to do that requires respect, dignity, patience and kindness.
Who are your role models?
My parents. I could not be where I am without their support and their sacrifices. I am so thankful for everything they do for me.
Anything else you are working on besides Andi Mack?
Andi Mack is my most recent production, but I just finished filming an independent film too.
Tell me something people would be surprised to know about you.
I think people would be surprised to know that I never want to be told I cannot do something. Never say can’t. Always try.
Where can all your new fans follow you? (social media)
They can find me on Instragram @asherdovangel; Musical.ly at Asherdov; twitter @Asherdovangel and Facebook at OfficialAsherAngel.
Can you please send a selfie of whatever it is you are doing now?

Follow me @Joellabraps
Sorry not as a friend
I love u Asher your handsome I fell in love with u since I watched it
Hi Asher angle hope u reply to me I went to every one of your concerts I love ???? u I’m a big fan
Do u ship andi or amber
I’m a singer I love your song I cried .your the best ever I even have my on concert
He’s cute
Love u
I love andi Mack
I really love u asher not all a friend I hope u reply
i love you so much asher i realy hope you can reply
I love AndiMack! Especially since I am adopted and don’t know my real parents. I hope that someday, I do become an actress and live my dream!! I love how people on AndiMack are always there for each other when others are feeling down. I know that this had nothing to doe with Asher or Jonah, but please read and gmail me on this comment thoughts. Thanks!
I really love Andi Mack and the cast they always make me laugh Asher please follow me on Instagram @keshia_timberlake_angel_bowden or Andi.mack.fan.only love you Asher