On September 22, FOX debuts the highly-anticipated superhero origin show GOTHAM. The series, which is slated to air Monday nights at 8 PM (ET/PT) covers the rise of various famous super-villains in the DC Comics Universe, such as the Riddler, Catwoman and The Penguin — not to mention the Caped Crusader himself: Batman.
GOTHAM follows the journey of one police officer, Detective James Gordon (yes, the one who ends up being the Commissioner) as he fights crime in a city on the brink of chaos. According to press material, there will be facets of his story revealed nowhere else, as he moves from rookie cop investigating the high-profile Wayne murders to forging a relationship with the only survivor of the Wayne family, the troubled young Bruce.
We got to ask a few questions of two of the teen stars of the show, David Mazouz, who plays Bruce Wayne, and Camren Bicondova, cast as Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman. Let’s go right to the Q&A!
(Bruce Wayne)

Fast Facts:
- His first name is pronounced “Dah-veed,” not “Day-vid”
- Landed his first film role at age 8
- Has roles in three major films coming up: “The Games Maker,” opposite Joseph Fiennes, Ed Asner and Tom Cavanagh; “Incarnate,” alongside Aaron Eckhart; and “6 Miranda Drive,” with Kevin Bacon, Radha Mitchell and Lucy Fry.
Nice to meet you David. We have seen your face all over buses and posters for your new show Gotham here in L.A. How does it feel to see your face all over town?
Hi Teens Wanna Know! Nice to meet you also.
It’s very exciting to see my face and the cast members of Gotham on big billboards and buses. It’s kind of unreal actually. I was in another TV show but these posters are so beautiful and artistic that I just think they’re really cool to look at anyway. I’ve been living in New York to work on this show though so my Mom and I actually take subways just so we can find the posters that have been placed underground and then we take pictures and send them to whoever we saw. It hasn’t gotten old yet.
How did you get the part of young Bruce Wayne? Was it a long, stressful process or pretty easy?
Well I auditioned for it first for the Executive Producer and Creator, Bruno Heller and the Casting Director, Sherry Thomas. They wanted me to test and they told me that it would either shoot in Vancouver or New York. I live in Los Angeles and it was over Christmas so I didn’t really think about it very much. As soon as the holidays were over I went back to test for it and then again the next day too. Finally on the third day, they asked me to come in and wear Bruce Wayne clothes and they cut my hair and styled it like Bruce’s and they cut a MOUND of hair off my head and she ended with a shave. My Mom had to leave the room cause my hair had never been shorter.
Even though everyone told us we would hear the next day or very soon, we didn’t. I didn’t know it but my agents and managers told my Mom the day before that I DID book the job. The day my Mom was told however, I got in trouble at school and it was my Sister’s 16th birthday and she didn’t want to reward my behavior and didn’t want to overshadow my Sister’s night. The next day, they called and my Mom and Sister already knew so she handed me the phone while my Sister videotaped me getting the good news. I KNEW something was going on that was good but no matter what, you are still shocked with every outcome. So to answer your question, it was both easy, cause I loved the whole process and it was hard because the more you audition, the more attached you get to the idea of being that character.

What did you do to celebrate when you found out you booked it?
I was actually getting ready for a pretty big event and celebration in my life at that time and it was nearly my birthday so I think I did what I usually do, I went to school and hung out with my friends and I didn’t mention it because I don’t usually talk about projects until I’m actually working on them. I was pretty busy during that time and was getting ready to work on some other things so I was just pretty happy to know that I’d be working a lot, which I love!
Tell us about your character and if he is anything like you in real life?
Bruce is a 12-year-old boy, who’s an only child, who watches his parents get slain right in front of him. He’s just gone through a horrible trauma and he’s suffering some post-traumatic stress disorder. He’s a pretty strong-willed kid though and he’s stubborn and focused and smart, polite and a little compulsive.
I think aside from the obvious fact that I am lucky to never have lost anything so dear or witnessed anything so violent, his behavior seems to me that it’s the way I would also behave; I mean there are a lot of people who go through similar things but handle them completely differently. I am just getting to know Bruce right now and he’s been pretty serious so far, but I guess anyone would be given his circumstances. The biggest difference to me is that Bruce is very proper and serious and I can be pretty goofy and my sense of humor is very different than Bruce’s. I’m not sure he would laugh at the same things I laugh at. He’s growing up very fast. I’m not.
What has been the best part about shooting Gotham?
The best part about shooting Gotham is working on a project where I get to play this role which is so well known and yet special in that there are very few people who have actually played Bruce Wayne. What makes my role special is the men who played Bruce Wayne in the movies, played both Bruce and Batman. I am not playing Batman but I get to explain, through the writer’s story and what I can bring to the character, why and how this man becomes who we all know him to be.
I also get to work with a big cast of actors who are incredibly perfect for their roles. The casting really couldn’t have been more perfect so I get to watch them all step back in time and make me believe that they have dimensions I had never even thought of before. I LOVE that!!!!!
How do you like working with Camren Bicondova?
Camren is great! I don’t want to give too much away, but we are really early on in shooting the season and I haven’t met her character and I haven’t actually have any scenes with her yet although I have a feeling that might change. I work mostly with Alfred, played by Sean Pertwee who’s absolutely fantastic in this and he and I have really begun to develop a relationship with each other that fits the characters. I hope I get to work with Camren because she’s awesome and I think it’ll be a lot of fun.
Any funny moments from set you can tell us about?
Again, I don’t want to say anything that will spoil what viewers will see and because I don’t get to work with many characters, at least not yet, most of the fun happens socially when I spend time with the cast. I have an incredibly funny video of a few of us dancing together but I think I’d make enemies if I showed it to you. As you know, Bruce Wayne can’t afford to have any more enemies.
But as I said before, the cast members are a really fantastic group of smart and funny people who are great to hang out with. Not to mention Danny and Bruno who are also such smart guys and so kind.
Why should teens watch this show?
Teens should watch this show because it’ll be like going home to your house and finding a bunch of really cool, mysterious and interesting rooms in your house that you never knew were there! You get to know all these people better and see how people’s choices they made when they were young led them to become who they become.
I think that especially for young people, it’s interesting to think about how things can go in a lot of different directions depending on what happens to you and what choices you make. Aside from the fact that there are a lot of interesting comic bookie crimes and characters that are really cool!
Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.
I’m scared of spiders and I really don’t like bugs of any kind actually! I know that’s hard to believe that Bruce Wayne would be afraid of bugs but David Mazouz is ! I don’t know what else would surprise anyone since I don’t know what people generally think of me. I ‘m really a pretty typical 13-year-old who hangs out with friends and loves animals, especially dogs.
If you had an actual superpower, what would it be and why?
If I had an actual super power it would be either invisibility or shape shifting which in a way are similar. I think it would be a really cool way to get information and get to know what people are really up to or what they’re really thinking.
Besides, strength is awesome in most of the superheroes but that super power is a smart one because you really have to think and make a plan. It would make you think.
Anything else we should know?
I don’t know what else you SHOULD know about me, but if you want to connect and get to know me better you can follow me on Twitter at @realdavidmazouz and Facebook and Instagram which is @davidamazouz. There are a lot of fake David Mazouzs on all the different social media outlets so look for verification and try and figure out on the others which one is me before you look up my name.

(Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman)

Fast Facts:
- Has been acting, modeling and dancing since the age of 6
- Is a member of the dance crew “8 Flavahz,” which was featured on Randy Jackson Presents: America’s Best Dance Crew
- Was raised in San Diego and Hawaii
Nice to meet you Camren. We checked out your Youtube channel and see that you got some moves! How has dancing helped you with your role as Selina Kyle in the new show Gotham?
Thank you! Dance has helped me become more comfortable in my own skin. Since Selina moves like a cat, I need to be able to move like a cat. Because of dance, I know what works with my body and what doesn’t. That helps TREMENDOUSLY in portraying this role.
How did you get the part? Was it a long, stressful process or pretty easy?
I auditioned in Los Angeles. It was very long; or at least it felt like it. I thought I was auditioning for the role of ‘“Lucy.” After my first time in, I was called back and was told to change my outfit. I waited a few days, and then I was told to prepare a sequence of “cat movements.” I think it was about almost two weeks then I got the call from my agency. It was stressful.
How did you feel, and what did you do, when you found out you booked it?
I was feeling a mix of emotions. I was excited, relieved, a bunch of feelings. I was at school all day, so I went to my manager’s house after to see what was going on. Turns out, the people who were at my manager’s house knew I got the role since THAT MORNING. I was a tad bit upset that they didn’t tell me, but it was cooler to hear my agent say, “You got the role! MEOW!”
Haha, I will always remember that.
Tell us about your character and if she is anything like you IRL?
Selina Kyle is an orphan, who is a skilled pickpocket/street thief. She’s surviving on the streets of Gotham. Yes, we do have some things in common; I actually think we could be best friends, haha!
She loves cats; I love cats too — I have a cat who’s name is Mr.G. (I love all animals, though.)
She tends to stay away from people; I’m working on being more extroverted, but I’m pretty shy too. I also consider myself to be independent, like Selina.

What has been the best part about shooting Gotham?
Everything. Filming in New York, working with seasoned professionals… I feel lucky to experience the city and it’s great getting to be on set with the cast, the crew, etc. It is just an amazing opportunity and I feel very blessed to part of such a cool project like Gotham.
How do you like working with David Mazouz?
David is awesome! We haven’t gotten to work together, but when we’re both off we like to hang out.
Why should teens watch this show?
I think teens should watch Gotham because it’s an exciting new twist on a well known storyline. It’s a never-before-told story that’s raw and realistic. Fanboys and newcomers to Batman will love it – I know I’m excited.
Tell us some of the challenges you have had to overcome in your life and what has helped you most in dealing with them.
Being a military kid I’ve had to be able to adapt to different places and situations quickly. I also step up and help a lot since my dad is often away. I just keep busy and work hard so my dad knows I am doing my part.
Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.
I am Spanish. I cannot control my hair for the life of me. I like to walk my cat on a leash.
If you could do ONE thing to make the world better, and knew you couldn’t fail at it, what would you do?
ONE THING? That is hard…
Okay. I would make it to where Morgan Freeman narrated everyone’s life stories. WHILE having background music so people would know when danger was coming. I feel like that would make the world a better place because Morgan Freeman is awesome and (I believe that) music heals the soul.
Are you still part of 8 Flavahz, and if so what is next for the group?
Yes, I’ll always be a Flavah! Although, since I’m a “New York Flavah” now, I haven’t been able to see them lately. I’ll meet up with them soon though.
Can you send us a quick selfie of whatever it is you are doing right now? It can be anything: making a peace sign, kissing a pet, just smiling…whatever, just keep it real! : )

Connect with Camren on her Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Ben McKenzie as Detective James Gordon
Donal Logue as Harvey Bullock
Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney
Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennysworth
Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
Erin Richards as Barbara Kean
David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne
Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman
Zabryna Guevara as Captain Sarah Essen
Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma/ the future Riddler
Victoria Cartagena as Renee Montoya
Andrew Stewart Jones as Crispus Allen
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