With her single, “I Ain’t No Taylor Swift,” debuting on Billboard at #1 Breakout, and #49 chart debut, topping at #21 and charted for record 19 weeks, 17-year-old Ladi Rosa is making her mark on the pop and Latin world. As a singer and songwriter, Ladi wants her voice and music to be the strength for all young women to embrace their own personal beauty.
The message is just that in her debut single, “I ain’t no Taylor Swift.” She wants all young women to embrace who they are and what makes them beautiful is the uniqueness of them just being themselves. Ladi is now has her single, “Personal Space” and almost ready to release her new song “Dull”“

Hello Ladi, nice to e-meet you! For those unfamiliar with you, tell us a little bit about yourself and your background outside of the world of showbiz.
Hi, my name is Ladi, and I am 17 years old now, but I will be turning 18 this upcoming June. I currently live in Broward County, Florida. This year I am graduating from high school and will be heading off to college. I am currently working at a local gym, and I have my music career. I have been singing for almost 2 years now and I really enjoy what I do. I have been to places such as L.A and Tennessee to sing and record new music. As of right now I have 3 songs out for people to listen to on my YouTube and Instagram. I enjoy watching sports and hanging out with my friends on the weekends. I really am hoping that God continues to bless me with my future.
How would you say your sound has evolved since you released your first single “I Ain’t No Taylor Swift?”
My sound has evolved a long time since then! I have gained more listeners as well. I would say that I sing more where my voice is very soft and not shaky nor raspy.
Were you surprised by how successful that song was?
Yes, I was incredibly surprised at how successful my release was. I knew it was going to be a great song to release but no one can really predict how things are going to go when it comes to the music industry. All I can say is that I am extremely blessed with what God has given me.
Tell us about your upcoming song “Dull” and what the meaning behind the lyrics is?
“Dull” is having the understanding that people should be able to move on without having their partner holding them down and realizing their worth.

Any plans to record music in Spanish?
I would eventually love to do a couple of songs in Spanish. Hopefully, that can become a reality eventually.
What has been your most memorable moment in show biz so far?
My most memorable moment would be going to Nashville, Tennessee. We were there for almost a week to record more music to release.
Best advice you have gotten so far in your career?
Some of my best advice in my career would have to be stay to focused and continue to work on my craft so I could see the end reward.
Who are your role models?
My parents would have to be my role models just by how hard they work for me and my brother every day.

Long-term career goals?
My long-term career goals would have to me hopefully getting signed to a big label and even after getting my college degree getting in the criminology field.
Favorite item in your room/purse/backpack that you use or rely on WAY too much?
My favorite item would have to be my phone… I am on it too much. Lol
Secret fear?
I do not really have a secret fear of being completely honest. Some things I’m scared of would have to be snakes or bugs. Little things like that.
Tell me something people would be surprised to know about you.
Some things people would be surprised to learn about me are that I really enjoy listening to country music. Artists such as Luke Combs and Luke Bryan are my favorite.

The one thing I cannot live without is__________.
There are two things I cannot live without and they would have to be my rabbit, Coco, and my dog Rock’em.
What else are you working on or have coming up next?
I am mainly working on promoting my newest song coming out of Feb. 11th.So, you guys should check out my Youtube and Instagram @Iamladirosa
Could we get a quick unpublished selfie of whatever you are doing right now?
Oh my, I mean if you do insist!