Ryker Baloun started acting at the age of four and continues to this day. He has shot six national commercials, five short films, two feature films, two tv co-starring roles and countless internet webisodes/webseries.
Ryker’s big break was being selected for an apprenticeship in Los Angeles by Michael Bezjian to Host and interview Celebrities for The Artists Project. He continues to interview celebrities for various charities, galas and events and has interviewed over eleven hundred celebrities.
Let’s find out more about Ryker!

Hello Ryker, nice to catch up again since our last feature with you. In a nutshell, what’s been new with you since then?
It has been quite busy recently and a lot has happened since our last interview. I shot a feature film that will be airing around Christmas, a Brat episode, I did some modeling, and honestly, I think I will be growing my hair out, still not sure though.
Great! Let’s talk GOAT FAM for a moment: What’s been the craziest shenanigans the squad (or a member) has gotten up to which people HAVEN’T seen either on socials or Youtube?
GOAT FAM was crazy in and of itself. There were a lot of crazy shenanigans that people didn’t see. Spending the night was always interesting, going up on the roof and tons of stuff like that.
What are the good and bad things about being part of that group?
Groups can be awesome and I met some really amazing people and learned a lot as well, I don’t have any regrets.
Pick one GOAT FAM member for each: a) Class Clown b) Most Likely to Succeed c) Drama Queen
Class clown would be Brooklyn Queen, most likely to succeed could be almost anyone but i’ll say Sophie Fergi, and finally the drama queen would be Sarah Dorothy Little.

What’s been the biggest challenge as a young actor so far?
The biggest challenge I have faced as a young actor by far would be staying consistent always. No matter what happens in my personal life or if anything is getting me down I always keep my eyes on the prize.
And who or what has helped you most?
The person that has helped me the most with acting and social media specifically is without a doubt my mom. I am very blessed to have such a wise and kind mother and if you ask anyone who knows her they will tell you she is an angel.
What are your eventual goals in the entertainment industry?
My main goal in the entertainment industry is to be the best I can be, I’m the kind of person that won’t be satisfied until I do all that I can and give 110%.
Dream collab?
My dream collab would be Leonardo Di Caprio, The Rock, and Chris Hemsworth, I’ve got some questions to ask them.

Favorite social media influencer or channel and why?
My favorite social media influencer that isn’t one of my close friends like Sophie Fergi or Ayden Mekus would be Pewdiepie. He has been the same person since he started over a decade ago and seems really humble and kind. Always trying to improve himself.
What do you find most attractive in another person?
What’s most attractive in a person? Well, if you’ve seen Star Wars or John Wick you are immediately 10x more attractive in my eyes. In all seriousness experience, intelligence, and above all personality is most attractive. Please don’t be afraid to be yourself, there are too many people who cover up their beautiful personalities to “fit in.”
Biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when people lie and don’t own up to their mistakes, I also don’t like it when people say they like the sequels over the prequels.
What’s your “get pumped” song?
My get pumped song is Knee Deep or Toes by Zac Brown Band. This might confuse a lot of people but it’s true.
Secret fear?
I am secretly afraid of being stuck under a pier, at night, in the dark, while it’s raining, and then drowning. Sounds like a terrible way to go doesn’t it.
What’s the last movie or show you watched, and give me a review…but you can only use TWO WORDS for the review : )
If I could sum up the last movie I watched in two words, which would be Godzilla VS. Kong, I would say it was “super rad”.

The one thing I cannot live without is__________.
One thing I cannot live without is H2O.
What else are you working on or have coming up next?
I’m currently working on modeling, and history class. I’m almost done for the week and it’s Monday.
Could we get a quick selfie of whatever you are doing right now?

That’s ma dog!