My name is Scarlett Bella Song and I’m a 13 year-old dancer, actress, model, jewelry designer, and entrepreneur. I also enjoy sharing my love for dance, fashion, entertainment, and travel on social media. On my platform, I am highly committed to spreading messages of kindness, empowerment, and collaboration throughout the teen community.
I find sources of inspiration in different aspects of my life. In recent years, I’ve made it point to purposely try new things (such as photography and debate) and seek out new ways to expand my horizons. Right now, I am am passionate about many things and don’t know exactly what the future has in store for me. One constant is that I am highly focused on my education. I want to pursue dance in college before exploring it as a career. I also have acting, design and entrepreneurial aspirations and for me they all feed into each other and are inextricably linked. I envision a future where I figure out a way to be multi-dimensional because I think modeling makes me a stronger dancer, designing makes me a stronger artist, etc.

Hello Scarlett, nice to e-meet you! For those unfamiliar with you, tell us a little bit about yourself and your background outside of the world of showbiz.
Hi! It’s so nice to meet you. By way of introduction, I’m Scarlett. I’m 13 years old and this past summer I moved from LA to Dallas. I got my start on social media several years ago to showcase my dance company concept videos as well as industry dance class videos (from world-renowned studios like Millenium Dance Complex and PlaygroundLA). Over time, I started working with brands and became a lifestyle influencer focused on the tween and teen community.
I am college-bound and focus on my education during the day. After school, I go to my dance studio where I train for five hours each night. When I am not performing or competing, I walk in runway shows, model in photoshoots, design jewelry and socialize with friends, family and my dog Cody. In my spare time throughout the day, I stay connected with friends and what’s trending on social media (SnapChat, TikTok and Instagram).
Some highlights over the past few months have been walking for designers at NYFW and launching an inspirational tween/teen jewelry collection called Annie X Scarlett with small business owner Annie Chen (of Annie and Sisters). I am so honored to have been a partner in conceiving the concept, designing the jewelry and acting as a spokesperson for the collection.
There is significant meaning infused into the Annie X Scarlett jewelry collection. Some of the central themes include self-love, empowerment, friendship and community. (The collection is available at code: Scarlett15)
I’m down-to-earth, genuine, and share the same struggles as many teens do. I am essentially your “everyday girl” who has her finger on the pulse of what’s trending. I love spreading positive messages that promote kindness, empowerment, and collaboration and my mission is to leverage my platform to enhance humanity.
What is it about being an entertainer/influencer that appeals to you most?
That is such a thought-provoking question. What appeals to me most about being an entertainer/influencer is the opportunity to be a positive role model for others.
I feel so fortunate to have such enriching opportunities and I want others to have the same. I firmly believe that there is room for all of us because together we can grow the industry (and create new opportunities) by uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring one another. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered a lot of people with a “scarcity mindset” who set out to compete, bully, control, and sabotage others in the industry. It was a painful experience and I resolved to be a counterbalance to demonstrate that you can have honor, character, and empathy and still succeed. I am committed to leading this change!
What has been your most memorable moment in show biz so far?
My earliest accomplishment has been my most memorable so far. When I was seven years old I had my first opportunity to perform with professional NFL cheerleaders for a fundraising event. It was a beautiful way to leverage my talent while giving back to the community and it made me realize that entertainment and service were my calling.
Tell us about your jewelry line.
The debut Annie X Scarlett teen jewelry collection is my greatest accomplishment to date. It was an unexpected surprise that my initial discussion with Annie Chen (founder and owner of Annie and Sisters) would eventually result in this original collection.
Nine months ago, Annie reached out to me when she came across my Instagram account (@scarlettbellasong). Annie DM’d me to invite me to collaborate with her company. The initial offer was pretty standard: free product in exchange for a social media story or post.
I researched the Annie and Sisters company and was impressed with what I learned. However, I respectfully declined because I didn’t feel I was the best fit influencer since the target market was 8-11 year olds.
As I always appreciate companies who reach out to me, I offered my opinion that I felt Annie might want to grow with her customer base and add a teen collection down the road. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Annie would invite me to partner with her to create, design, and launch her first teen collection. I felt so honored and said yes because I always had a strong interest in entrepreneurship and I knew I would learn so much from the experience.
We started talking in the midst of the global pandemic. At that time, I had been on online school for over a year in Los Angeles. My friends and I were feeling isolated and disconnected because we [only] socialized online. We supported each other during this time by being optimistic and positive and I realized that it was important to extend that support to others.
When Annie and I had our first official meeting to determine what we hoped to achieve with the teen collection, it was a true meeting of the minds. We share the same values and aspirations: We both wanted to create a collection infused with meaning that would uplift and empower tweens/teens. We wanted people who wore the jewelry to feel loved and supported by an inclusive community that fosters confidence, self-esteem and self-love. So, ultimately, the Annie X Scarlett jewelry collection was designed with love to unite people through friendship, positivity, and kindness.
I am so honored that Annie and Sisters chose to partner with me to design, produce, and launch their new Annie X Scarlett Tween & Teen Jewelry Collection.

The Annie X Scarlett Jewelry Collection consists of fifteen pieces plus a themed jewelry box. The necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and charms of the collection feature the same high quality and attention to detail seen in all Annie & Sisters’ sterling silver and crystal creations, but with new motifs and styling reflective of emerging teen identity and aspirations. The design details of “Annie X Scarlett” reflect an ethos of “happiness,” “courage,” “fearless,” “strength,” and “love”. Crystal yin yang symbols show the beauty in harmony and interconnectedness, while dandelion charms evoke hope and joy. Chen credits Scarlett’s input with giving the collection a vibe that reflects a teen’s natural growth through the challenges of adolescence into maturing adult styles, while still capturing the exuberance of youth. Bar charms, faceted crystal charms, and dangling chain details exemplify this aspect of the collection’s appeal. The “Annie X Scarlett” collection is available for purchase at (discount code: Scarlett15)
You’ve travelled to over 15 countries—what has been your favorite travel experience?
My last international trip prior to the pandemic was to South Korea. It was a significant experience for me because my father’s side of the family is originally from South Korea (and they emigrated to the United States in the 1970’s). The trip was particularly meaningful to me because I developed a stronger connection to my culture and a better understanding of my family‘s origin. I also love the food, fashion, music and culture.
During the pandemic, my family and I traveled to Mexico where we could be remote and safely social distance. One of my favorite memories from that trip was rappeling in cenotes (which are natural sinkholes resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater). My second favorite memory from that trip was catching a trophy fish during a deep-sea fishing excursion. It took me 25 minutes to reel in the fish and I promptly fell asleep afterwards from exhaustion!
You’ve moved from Los Angeles to Dallas recently—what’s been the biggest difference for you between living in the two cities?
One of the biggest differences for me between living in Los Angeles and Dallas is the diversity of interests among my friends in Dallas. In Los Angeles, many of my friends shared my interest in the entertainment industry. In Dallas, I have friends who are pursuing Olympic and professional sports dreams. While my Dallas friends and I still have a lot of common in terms of drive and commitment, it is refreshing to have different dreams and passions.
Best advice you have gotten so far in your career?
The best career advice I received was actually a cautionary tale: to think long-term and protect yourself because your career is a marathon, not a sprint! This entails honing your craft and making choices that build a solid foundation that position you for long-term success.
Growing up, I’ve observed children peaking very early in their careers. While this works for some, others struggle later because they: (a) neglected their education, (b) scaled back their training in order to “cash in” on fame, (c) made some choices that will “haunt” then later in their careers – and (d) are sadly exploited and/or burn out.
You are multi-ethnic, being both white and Korean, and had the chance to visit South Korea. What surprised you most about the Korean culture when you were there?
One thing that surprised me about the Korean culture is how much it has changed over just the past couple of decades! Apparently, the society has evolved at such a rapid pace from when my father emigrated and even when my parents last visited in 2002.
What was most fun for me was how much Seoul reminded me of Los Angeles in terms of pop culture and entertainment being at the heart of society! As an avid K-pop fan, I felt like I visited “K-pop Mecca.” I had the opportunity to train at a K-pop industry dance studio in Seoul and visited the national K-pop museum when we explored other cities.
Who are your role models?
I have role models for different aspects in my life: I have academic role models; I have entrepreneurial role models; I have philanthropic role models… I pretty much find role models for the most important aspects of my life.
Of course, I can’t fail to mention my role models in entertainment and pop culture! My ultimate role models in entertainment are Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna because they are the ultimate quadruple-threats and they are also brilliant business women who built empires. I deeply admire how they set trends and innovate as well.
Finally, my fashion role models are Zendaya, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and Kendall Jenner.
Long-term career goals?
I have so many dreams and feel my future could head in a few different directions. First and foremost, I am college-bound. In college, I hope to dual major in dance (or drama) and business (or journalism). My long-term career goals include being an entertainer, designer, journalist, and entrepreneur.
Biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is people who do not take germs seriously. For instance, I can hardly stand to sit in restaurant booths and it amazes me that others don’t seem to care at all.
Favorite item in your room/purse/backpack that you use or rely on WAY too much?
My favorite item that I rely on WAY too much is my phone! It’s my lifeline. While my day is jam-packed and highly structured, in my free moments I’m usually on SnapChat, TikTok and Instagram.
Secret fear?
My secret fear is disappointing my family or myself.
Tell me something people would be surprised to know about you.
While I am a positive and self-assured person, I think people might be surprised to know that I struggle with anxiety and stress. I have to actively reorient my thoughts to center myself and focus on what I can control.
The one thing I cannot live without is__________.
CHOCOLATE (I think it runs through my veins
What else are you working on or have coming up next?
For the next few months, I am working as the spokesperson for Annie X Scarlett Teen jewelry and I’m competing with my dance company. I will also will be walking in fashion shows, posing in fashion photoshoots and working on other brand deals. In the Fall, I look forward to returning to the runway at NYFW.
Could we get a quick selfie of whatever you are doing right now?

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