The metal fabrication industry is a dynamic field that has consistently evolved over the years due to technological advancements. The process, which involves the construction of structures from raw materials, has become more efficient and precise, significantly changing the industry landscape. This evolution impacts the manufacturing process and shapes various fields that heavily rely on metal components. Read on to learn fascinating facts about the metal manufacturing field.

The Difference Between Metals
Ferrous and non-ferrous metals have different properties that directly impact how you cut and shape them. Metal such as iron and steel are ferrous because they contain iron as the primary element. On the other hand, non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum and copper, do not contain iron, are more corrosion-resistant, and are used in industries such as electronics and aviation.
Knowing the difference between materials becomes especially important when cutting material, as ferrous and non-ferrous metals require different saw blades. When working with non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, you would use a carbide-tipped saw blade, whereas ferrous metals often require a diamond-tipped blade.
Pro Tip
A key tip for using a carbide-tipped blade for aluminum cutting is to select the right blade features, including its size, tooth count, and tooth geometry, before cutting. Doing otherwise will affect the quality of the cut and risk damaging the material.
It’s a Trade Career
Metal fabrication is a trade career requiring specialized skills and experience; workers often attend trade school or receive on-site training. Skilled professionals in this field have a strong understanding of the different types of metals and their properties, as well as the expertise necessary to use various fabrication tools.
How Metal Fabrication Impacts Various Fields
The advancements in metal fabrication have significantly impacted various industries that rely on metals. This is one of the most interesting things about metal manufacturing since it shows how interconnected it is to countless work fields.
For instance, the automotive industry relies on metal manufacturers to provide them with high-quality and durable metal components for their vehicles. Similarly, the construction industry relies on metal fabrication to build aesthetic and durable structures. Even in the medical field, metal fabrication is crucial for creating specialized equipment and tools for surgeries and other procedures.
Technological Evolution in Metal Fabrication
In recent years, technology has profoundly shaped the metal fabrication industry. For example, computer numerical control (CNC) machines use computer-aided design (CAD) software to cut and shape metal precisely with minimal human intervention. This technology has significantly increased productivity, accuracy, and efficiency in the fabrication process.
The more you know about the field, the easier it is to maintain a competitive edge if you work in this trade field. With advancing technology, the metal fabrication industry is poised for further growth and development, leading to a better and more equipped future.