When learning how to drive, there are so many laws, safety guidelines and road signs that need to be understood before getting behind the wheel. Memorizing the rules of the road, while scary to some teens, is so important to getting their drivers test and keep them (and their friends) safe once they start driving every day.

To help young drivers pass their license test with flying colors, the team at The Simple Dollar put together a great guide to the most common and unique road signs seen on the road today. They also broke down the main colors, shapes and their subsequent meanings, to help teens and adults alike ensure safety on major roads and highways. In addition, their infographic also provides crucial information on how much ignoring these signs (and therefore, breaking the law) will cost you.
There are three main types of road signs: warning, guide and regulatory. Warning signs alert the driver to an issue up ahead that will change the way they drive. Guide signs are more informational, such as mileage number and entry signs for a freeway. And finally, regulatory signs serve as a reminder of laws such as the speed limit or when to yield.
One important thing to keep in mind, that most teens aren’t aware of, is that the colors and shapes of some of the most common road signs serve an important purpose. Orange signs, for example, are used exclusively for construction zone signs. Brown are reserved for public recreation signs while blue is traditionally used for guide signs.
Following the instructions set by these signs are important to becoming an efficient and safe driver. For instance, did you know that failing to stop at a stop sign can hold an average fine of $350? Some of the most expensive fines come from railroad crossing signs, as a driver can get a fine of up to $500 for not stopping for any oncoming train.
See below for a breakdown of what these signs are really trying to tell you, in addition to the average increase your insurance will charge you depending on the citation. Still worried about driving on your own for the first time? Don’t forget about full-coverage auto insurance to bring you more peace of mind in case of an accident.