No matter if you are holding a live interview with someone in their home / office or you are recording vocals in a fancy studio, the best way to capture quality sound is by using a really good microphone. Poor audio comes about as a result of using an inferior quality recording device or microphone. Although this is often stressed to new creatives, many of them do not heed this advice straight away and only end up purchasing a good quality microphone once they have first hand experience of the poor audio produced by inferior products. Doing it this way is often more expensive than simply buying a good quality microphone upfront.
For anyone that hosts a podcast or radio show, a microphone is a very important element and one that should not be compromised on, as the audio is integral to the content that is produced. A good quality podcast / radio show cannot be produced without the use of a good microphone. It has a lot to do with the sound recording system and mixing that is responsible for processing the audio.

Good microphones to purchase
A microphone records sound and then converts it onto media such as digital storage or cassette tape. In addition to this, it also produces audio that goes to speaker systems. Microphones can be used without actually recording the audio it picks up, such as during a live music performance. The transducer works to convert the audio that comes from the microphone into a form of electrical energy, which is then subject to amplification and then reproduced by the speakers.
The main two types of microphones that should be used to produce good quality audio for music performance, radio broadcast, podcast etc. are:
- Condenser microphones – these types of microphones are highly sensitive but very precise. This makes them the perfect choice for high fidelity recording where there is a string frequency response. They work in the same way that capacitors do. The sound creates a change in the capacitance, allowing for the conversion of audible sound into a form of electrical energy. The power for this either comes from a battery or from pre amps. When using condenser microphones, a quiet room is required because of how sensitive the components inside of it are. They generally tend to be a pretty expensive option.
- Dynamic microphones – for the purpose of recording numerous different people all talking at once or in those environments where there is lots of background noise, dynamic microphones are the perfect option. In order to get the very best from this type of microphone, it is best to be as close as possible to it. Because they do not pick up much, if any, background noise, they are good for use in live performances, as well as podcasts. Their design is highly durable and are really good at limiting the amount of feedback that is created as they are not overly sensitive.