Youth groups connect people to faith and serve community members. Boost involvement with these service project ideas for church youth groups. You all can make a huge difference in your neighborhood!

Make Care Packages for the Unhoused
Acts of service are beneficial to people experiencing tough times. In particular, your church can support unhoused people in your community by making care packages. Many of us have unlimited access to toiletries like soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. But people experiencing homelessness often don’t have basic care items.
Luckily, your youth group can create care packages for people. Include essentials like dental care products, grooming supplies, and shaving kits. Remember to take care packages to your local homeless shelter.
Host a Tech Support Day
From smartphones to tablets, you probably use technology every day. However, some people aren’t as tech-savvy as you. Help non-tech-savvy church members with device problems. That may include changing settings on their phone, setting up computers, or teaching them how to video chat. People will appreciate this event, and you all can host a tech support day once a month.
Organize a Kids’ Fun Day at Church
Organizing a kids’ fun day is an awesome service project idea for church youth groups. Invite church and community parents for a free childcare day at the church. Host activities that entertain and minister to children. For example, read kid-friendly stories about your religion or watch educational cartoons. You can also set out jump ropes, board games, basketballs, and other simple toys and activities.
Run Errands for Older Adults
Older members of the church may need assistance with daily tasks. Team up with your youth group to run errands for seniors. This can include going to the grocery store, picking up packages, or escorting seniors to events. This service project creates a unique bond between you and older community members.
Helping older adults around their home is an alternative to running errands. Complete tasks like folding laundry, mowing the lawn, or washing dishes. Anything helps!
Beautify the Neighborhood
Do you notice trash on street corners, dirty storefronts, or overgrown grass in your neighborhood? If so, beautify the community with a cleanup project. Your youth group can pick up trash, clean different areas, and do light gardening. Consider planting flowers in front of the church or watering someone’s grass.