Stefania Lily set to debut new single ‘Alone’ – INTERVIEW

Stefania Lily is a 15 year old American singer-songwriter. She was born in California and lives with her family in Los Angeles. She started playing piano at the age of 9 and now it’s the source of many of her songs. She writes multiple songs a day.

Stefania’s song Alone, released July 2nd, was written in under 20 minutes — just like many of her other songs! Her future projects include an EP that is set to release next year.

Let’s find out more about Stefania in her interview with Teens Wanna Know! (scroll down to listen to her song!)

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Hello Stefania, nice to e-meet you! Tell us a little bit about yourself outside show business.

Hi, nice to e-meet you too! I’ve never really thought of that before, outside of the business I’m pretty quiet. When I’m not playing piano, recording, or writing I draw, read, or bake! These are my favorite things to do when I’m not, well, doing my favorite things.

Great! Let’s talk your new single “Alone.” What’s it about and how does it make you feel when you listen to it? 

My song, Alone, is a sad song with a twist of hope in the end. When I listen to it I feel happy actually. I feel happy just because I’m always excited and a little flustered when I hear my own songs.

Why do you think other teens will relate to it? 

Teens will relate to it because it is something everyone goes through. Everyone has felt alone before and a lot of times we feel alone because of failed relationships. Sometimes we feel that no matter how hard we try to make relationships work they don’t work out, but it’s ok because the best ones are yet to come.

Do you like being alone or do you prefer a bunch of people around? 

That’s an interesting question. I like being alone, but I also like being around my family. 

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What was the hardest part about the whole Covid pandemic for you and what helped you cope?

The hardest part of living through the pandemic for me was seeing people in need. During this pandemic, many people have lost their jobs and couldn’t afford basic needs. I was able to cope with it by volunteering at a local food pantry. It was the best thing that I have done during quarantine. It’s just amazing how much pantries really help families in need.

What’s been the biggest challenge as a young artist/performer so far? 

I’ve noticed that one of the biggest challenges for young artists is having adults take you seriously. To other kids who feel this way I just want to say don’t get discouraged when adults don’t take you seriously. Keep on working on your craft and doing what you love and you will find that people around you will start to take you seriously.

And who or what has helped you most?

My family has definitely helped me the most. They are the kindest people you will ever meet and they are so supportive of everything I do.

What are your eventual goals in the entertainment industry? 

Writing music is my favorite thing to do so, I’m definitely doing more of that and I’m even planning on releasing an EP next year.

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Dream collab?

There are so many talented people in the industry that I would love to collab with but one of them would have to be Dua Lipa. She just has such an interesting sound and I think it would be fun to work with her.

Favorite social media influencer or channel and why? 

I don’t really watch Youtube videos but when I do, I like to watch OverSimplified. This channel makes history videos in a funny, and easy to understand sort of way.

What do you find most attractive in another person? 

That’s a hard question! Well, I think it’s nice when someone has a good sense of humor. They’re fun to be around and always nice to talk to. That’s probably what I find one of the most attractive qualities in another person. 

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Biggest pet peeve?

My biggest pet peeve is when someone doesn’t clear their throat. You know when someone’s throat is froggy and they don’t clear it? Well, that usually keeps me at the edge of my seat. 

What’s your “get pumped” song? 

My “get pumped” song is also one of my all time favorites which is Something’s Got a Hold of Me by Etta James. No matter how often I listen to it, and that’s close to every day, I never get tired of it.

Secret fear? 

Well, I’m a girl of many fears, but one of my fears that not many know about is the dark. Yes, the dark. I have a nightlight and everything that I can turn on right before bed.

What’s the last movie or show you watched, and give me a review…but you can only use TWO WORDS for the review : )

I have recently watched “Batman Begins” which is the first movie I’ve watch about Batman, unless “The Lego Batman Movie” counts, and I really enjoyed it. In two words, I would describe it as thrilling and dark (most of the movie took place during the nighttime or in dark spaces) lol

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Tell me something people would be surprised to know about you. 

Everyone I know has some kind of pet…except for me. I don’t have any pets, not even a fish, and I have never had one before either.

The one thing I cannot live without is__________.

Ice cream…definitely ice cream!!! I absolutely cannot live without ice cream. If I can, I eat it every single day!

Tell me ONE food you REFUSE to eat and why? 

I refuse to eat licorice. I don’t like the taste of it. My brother loves it though, and he always tries to get me to eat it. 

What else are you working on or have coming up next? 

My main project right now is also what I’m most excited for which is my EP! I am planning on releasing it next year! 


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