4 Questions To Ask When Reading the Bible

Life as a teenager is all about transition. You’re transitioning from childhood to adulthood. As you make this years-long transition, you’ll probably start to question many parts of your life, culture, and society in general. One of the most common areas teenagers question is religion, both the one they were raised in and other religions in the world.

4 Questions To Ask When Reading the Bible

The best way to answer these questions is to find experts in the related fields. If you don’t want to speak with an expert in person, you can turn to authoritative books. The most authoritative book on any religion is that religion’s literature. In Christianity, that’s the Holy Bible.

You can read the Bible as a believer or a skeptic. No matter which you are, or if you’re somewhere in between, there are questions to ask when reading the Bible so you can learn more. The following four are the best questions to start with.

What Is This Passage Saying?

Find a passage in the Bible that interests you. For example, if you’re curious about creationism, you can read the beginning of Genesis. People interested in the person of Jesus can read the Gospel of John. Read your chosen passage carefully, at least one time. When you’re done, ask yourself what the passage is saying. What people are involved in the passage’s events? What caused the events to happen? Why? You can write down these questions and answers or simply think about them.

What Does This Passage Mean?

Once you’re sure of what the passage is saying, you can dive into the meaning of the passage. Sometimes the meaning is clear, such as when Jesus explains parables in the Gospel of John. Sometimes it’s harder to figure out the passage’s meaning. Focus on the historical and cultural context behind the passage. Look up vocabulary definitions you don’t understand. Ask why the people and events in this passage were important enough to make it into Scripture.

What Am I Learning About God and People?

The meaning of most of Scripture is educational. We are supposed to learn something about God or the people around us. Ask yourself what this passage says about God. If the characters or author don’t mention him, pay attention to how his absence affects people and circumstances. Ask yourself what the passage says about people as well. What are they doing, and what are the consequences of their actions? Do you or someone you know act like them? Is that a good or a bad thing?

How Can I Apply This Passage to My Life?

Believing Christians are supposed to apply the Bible to their life. However, anyone can benefit from Biblical teachings such as honoring their parents and treating everyone with respect. Ask yourself how you can apply the passage you read to your life. Is there a command people should obey? Is there an example to follow or avoid? Write down your answers to these questions so you can create good goals for yourself. Writing answers is also one of the best practices for annotating your Bible so you can reflect on your progress later.

These four questions to ask when reading the Bible can help anyone learn more about scriptural passages. Continue to ask questions about religious literature, religion, and other parts of your life as you transition into adulthood.

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