New Music BLAST OFF! Week 5 – Ariel & Jillian O

TWK New Music Blastoff ariel jillian o

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This week we are featuring two extremely talented singers. Welcome Ariel Fournier and Jillian O to the New Music BLAST OFF! and heavy rotation this week on Teens Wanna Know Internet Radio. Please support all of our featured artists by spreading the word about them, liking their social media profiles, watching their videos on YouTube, and buying their music!

This Week’s BLAST OFF Tracks:

Ariel – “Breakthrough” (with J Buzzi) and “Had Me at Hello”

Jillian O – “Can You Feel It, “”Lighter,” and “When I Hate You”

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Other Ways to Listen:

  • Download the Radionomy App for iPhone/iPad and Android. Then search for “Teens Wanna Know”
  • Visit the Teens Wanna Know Radionomy Page (works for iPhone/iPad)
  • Click or enter the following link into iTunes or other favorite streaming music player (VLC, Windows Media, etc.):

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