Getting the word out about your club or community event shouldn’t be hard. With a little money and a lot of energy, you can let people know where you are, what you’re about, and what they can expect in no time at all. Here are four ways to promote your club or community event!

Go Big, or Go Home
Passing out fliers is all well and good, but you can catch more eyes with a massive banner or poster in a public space. Enlist the help of the designers and artists in your club to create a memorable poster that gives all the details of the event with an eye-catching illustration or logo. Don’t stop there! Large format printers offer multiple marketing opportunities, so speak to the pros about other ways to use them.
Host a Pre-Event
Give potential participants a taste of what’s going to happen at the actual meeting or event. Planning a concert? Have the band perform a few numbers in a public area (with permission, of course). Show people what your group is all about with lunchtime demonstrations. Do a quick livestream Q&A about the upcoming event, or share a video showing all your prep work. Punctuate it with a call to action and information about the main event.
Collaborate With Local Media
If your event is at school, contact your student paper or magazine, radio or television station, announcement crew, or any other student-based media. Arrange for ad space or commercial spots, and offer to do interviews with them. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement since you’re providing content and they’re providing eyes and ears for your message. Local newspapers, radio stations, cable shows, and influencers may also be interested in running an announcement or doing an article about the upcoming event on their platforms. Create a press kit, and send it to them!
Social Media Reigns Supreme
Here’s another way to promote your club or community event. Leverage social media, and not just your personal account. Post announcements on your club’s social media sites, and keep messaging consistent. Also, you could create relevant hashtags and even tag local influencers.
Add visual elements to your announcements so they stand out among others. Create short videos promoting the event, and make them funny or interesting so people want to share them. Additionally, contact local businesses and offer to include their name and mention their sponsorship on your platforms in exchange for physical and social media support. Mostly, keep the dialogue and messaging going. It’s hard to get noticed in the social media sea, but it’s possible. Good luck!