Dart Bros vs Zombos is a fun, easy to learn, darts game that puts you in the hero role. Be a Dart Bro (or Sis) and help save fleeing people from a horde of terrifying Zombos by using your darts to deliver the antidote and turn the Zombos back to normal!
- Each player chooses their own dart skill level (novice, expert, or pro).
- – The cards show you what area to hit on the dart board to hit a Zombo
- Novice (larger area) Expert (medium area) Pro (smaller area)
- – Fire 3 darts each round to eliminate attacking Zombos
- – Each round more Zombos appear and move closer towards you
- – If you are bitten, you lose a dart. If you lose all 3 darts, you become a Zombo!
- – You can also use special item cards to help you on your way
This game features fast-paced, fun, easy to learn game play, two sets of BEAUTIFULLY illustrated game cards, and can be played with ANY dartboard. There are certain rules to follow including dartboard height.
We got the chance to ask the game developer Dominique Garay a few questions about the game, which is live on Kickstarter NOW — hurry to get the special pricing before its too late!
Here’s 5 fast facts about Dart Bros vs Zombos!

People who play it get super hyped.
What’s special is during game testing when the very first people enter this world you created and they get excited, stressed, they’re yelling, hi-fiving and laughing and you see it on their faces, the drama. All from this universe you made, they are having fun, they are playing, it’s a very cool feeling, quite unique.
Different skill levels and cooperative game play make it great for parties.
Well first of all I’ve found that when people see a dartboard and darts, they instinctively want to throw. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or not, you still want to see if you can hit that target and when you hear that thud of a sharp object hitting home, it’s rather satisfying.
So I made a game around that, where you’re saving people and wiping out the bad guys with your darts! One very cool feature I included was that each player plays at their own skill level and this makes it fun for everyone, plus it’s a coop-game so you play with up to four players as a team and can still add up points to see who is the best Zombo hunter. So, it’s got something for everybody which is what I aim for.
No detail was overlooked in developing it.
As far a developing the game, decisions. What color should this be, drop shadow or no drop shadow, is this weapon too powerful, should we make this an expansion for the game or include it in the game?
The cool thing is that there is a huge community of gamers, game designers and developers who are very helpful and supportive. It’s pretty amazing how people just want to help and then you do the same in return and it makes it a fun and rewarding group to be a part of.
Bringing it to market, I’d say money, time and effort. You need artists, writers, prototypes and you need exposure. So you go to gaming conventions and set up a booth with banners and promo. It’s quite an endeavor. You find a good team of people to work with and you get it done.
The original spark for the game occured in the 1990s.
Well some might find it surprising that I came up with the idea for this game back in the mid 90’s. The original idea was a solo game where you play as a medieval assassin taking out targets with your darts. I know, cool right? It’s a bit more involved, so I simplified that game a bit and turned it into “Dart Bros vs Zombos!”
More games are on the way!
MEDIEVAL DART BROS – BOUNTY HUNTER vs ASSASSIN. You can play solo against the game or another player. One player takes on the role of Bounty Hunter and the other of Assassin. Build up your character with experience by taking out targets or collecting bounties. Pick up some cool skills, weapons, armor and maybe some magic. You are now ready for the final face off!
“MUCHA LUCHA!” a Mexican Wrestling themed wrestling card game. Oh yeah, it’s on!
I have a slew of other games as well I’d love to share with people.

Game creator Dominique Garay
Kickstarter – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/garbanzo/dart-bros-vs-zombos
Website – http://www.thedartbros.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/thedartbros
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/domgaray7/