A career in the entertainment industry is something that a lot of young people imagine for themselves. If you are one of these young people, it is likely that at some point you have been told by your parents or another adult to think of something more realistic. The truth is, finding an entry point into the entertainment industry is not as difficult as most parents believe.

It’s All About Who You Know
Once you have decided a career in the entertainment industry is for you, it is time to develop and nurture every contact that you can find. You can begin by making a list that includes all the people with whom you are familiar that may be able to help you. Ask your family and friends if they know names you can add to your list. You should remember that the most powerful people in the industry are not particularly well-connected to people looking for entry-level talent and will likely not be much help to you. A better course of action is to seek out people who are in most cases a little older than you are who currently work entry-level positions. Another thing to master as you search for your entry into the entertainment industry is to be persistent but not pushy.
Get the Skills to Pay the Bills
Like any other industry, you will have a better chance of success if you take the time to further your education and seek out proper training. You should choose an educational path that will provide you the skills you need to succeed in the entertainment industry. If you desire to spend your time in front of the camera, you may be interested in educational paths like drama or theater arts. There are also limitless educational choices that will prepare you for a career in entertainment in other capacities including entertainment design and digital production.
Learn the Industry
Your conversations with the people on your list of contacts as well as your search for a place in the entertainment industry will go much smoother if you first perform a little homework on your own. You should know whether you want to work in television, radio, or film and what entry-level opportunities each of these mediums present. You should also become familiar with the major companies in the industry and know who is responsible for running each of these companies.
Whether your dream is to run a studio, produce a series for primetime television, or deliver a dramatic performance that brings audiences to tears, the entertainment industry is an exciting career path that provides hundreds of options to you. It is also much easier to work your way into one of these positions than most people realize.
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