Sarah Abbott: teen actress on new Netflix thriller “The Silence”

Teen actress Sarah Abbott has made a splash with her lead role performance in the Lifetime movie “Mommy’s Little Princess,” where she plays Lizzy, an adopted girl who discovers she has royal blood and takes on the persona of a princess from hell.

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Coming up next, she can be seen in the feature film The Silence, a “A Quiet Place”-style thriller set to premiere on Netflix April 12 and starring Kiernan Shipka, Stanley Tucci, Miranda Otto and John Corbett. Sarah plays “The Hushed Child,” one in a group of survivors who have cut out their tongues to stay safe from monsters that hunt by sound (ouch).

As if that weren’t enough for a 13-year-old, she will also be appearing in the new NBC series The InBetween! We asked Sarah a few questions about The Silence and to get to know her a little better — read on for her exclusive Q&A with Teens Wanna Know!

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Hi Sarah, nice to e-meet you! Before we get into your work as an actress, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi! Thank you! I’m 13 years old. I live in Ontario, Canada. I have been acting since I was 6 years old and I also do competitive dance.

Cool! You seem to be on an amazing roll lately, as your Lifetime movie Mommy’s Little Princess just came out, which you’ve gotten good reviews for, and now The Silence is coming out on Netflix April 12. What’s your secret to working so many great projects at such a young age?

My agent and his team are always searching for great roles for me, but then it’s up to me to put in the hard work and do my best performance at each audition. I can only try my best and then move on to the next audition and hope for the best.

Tell us about The Silence and your character.

The Silence is about these creatures that attack and kill anything that makes sound. To survive, you need to adapt and live in a world without making any noise. I think my character is a nice person who is put in a difficult situation and does her best to handle it.

Silly question—but since your character is part of a group of people who don’t speak so they don’t attract monsters, was the set really really quiet all the time?

Yes, that was kind of funny now that you mention it.

What stands out most from filming that the movie?

I filmed in very eerie and creepy settings which really helped to establish the mood. I also was able to witness some of the magic of movie making that makes the unreal appear real on screen.

You have another show called The InBetween coming out on NBC. What can you tell us about that?

It’s about a woman who can see and talk with ghosts. She tries to help the ghosts with their problems and also help the police to solve crimes. I play a character named Abigail. I can’t really say too much about my role in the series. I guess you’ll have to tune in to see.

You worked with Academy Award-winning actress Jodie Foster, who directed you in Black Mirror. What most surprised you about working with her?

She was so down to earth and friendly. Also being a former child star herself, I found her so easy to understand when she gave me direction.

So far, what’s been the most memorable thing you have experienced as a young actress?

There are so many. We already mentioned Black Mirror, but it was also incredibly special when my first film called Lavender premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. I walked the red carpet, did interviews and even signed my first autograph. That was very cool.

Have you ever gotten starstruck with any of the big names you have worked with? Please dish!

LoL, yes. It’s a show coming out this summer, but I can’t talk about it yet. I totally stumbled on my lines because I was so nervous, but I took a breath and regained my focus. I was just talking about that moment with my dad the other day.

Showbiz can be fun, but also tough because it’s a serious job. What’s the one thing you DON’T like about being in the business?

I’m still a kid so I love to have sleepovers and play with my friends. Sometimes, I miss out on those things when I need to memorize lines for an audition, but I love being an actor, so it’s totally worth it!

Tell me something people would be surprised to know about you?

In addition to acting, I’m also a dancer on a competitive dance team. I have 9 different dances to learn this season and I will be going to 5 competitions.

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Biggest pet peeve?

People who crack their knuckles. That sound drives me crazy.

The song I most have on repeat on my playlist right now is_____________.

Imagine by Ariana Grande.

Favorite food?

Any kind of pasta

Secret obsession?

Toy Squishies. I just love squeezing them.

What’s the last movie or show you watched, and give me a review…but you can only use TWO WORDS for the review 🙂

Grey’s Anatomy. Very intense

If you could pass a law everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be?

Be kind and accept people for who they are.

Most embarrassing moment IRL you wish you could do over?

When I messed up my lines in front of a certain star which I cannot name. LOL.

What else are you working on or have coming up next?

As you mentioned, I have the movie The Silence on Netflix followed by the TV series The InBetween on NBC. I also have something else coming out this summer on Netflix but I can’t reveal anything yet. Right now I’m back to doing auditions and excited to start something new.

Could we get a selfie of whatever you are doing at the moment? It’s something we ask to keep it real for the fans!

Sure, here is a picture of me finishing my art project for school!

sarah abbott

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