If you’re getting your first car and your driving license, you’re undoubtedly feeling excited about getting on the road. All that freedom to finally go wherever you like without waiting for the bus or your mom to give you a ride.
But whether you like it or not, there’s no denying that teen drivers are at the most risk when it comes to being involved in accidents on the road. Not only are you more of a risk-taker when you’re in your teens, but you also don’t have a lot of experience driving just yet.

The last thing that you want is to end up as just another statistic of being a teen involved in an accident on the road. And depending on what happens, accidents in your first year or two of driving can have serious consequences, from losing your license to seeing your auto insurance premiums soar when they should be coming down. So, how can you make sure that you’re driving safely while still having some fun as you get behind the wheel?
Try Telematics Insurance:
Yes, the idea of having a device fitted to your car to monitor your driving and tell you off in an app for speeding or braking too harshly might suck a little, but when it comes to being safe, it’s often one of the best things that you can do. And, telematics insurance is often cheaper for new drivers, so whether you’re paying for your insurance yourself or your mom and dad are helping you out with it, nobody can complain about that. Since you’re new to driving, there’s always going to be mistakes made and things that you’re unsure of, and your telematics device can help you figure out what you need to practice more and what you’re doing well.
Avoid Giving All Your Friends Rides:
Did you know that your risk of being involved in a fatal collision increases three times just by having all your friends in the car? When you’re giving your friends a ride to school or the mall, you’re more likely to end up driving distracted. After all, everybody’s going to be having conversations and you’re going to naturally want to join in, but when you’re just getting used to being on the road, this can be seriously risky. Try to limit giving rides to no more than two friends at a time and ask them to be respectful of you as a new driver.
Stick to Speed Limits:
Speeding isn’t just reckless in terms of your own safety – you could also be risking the lives of others on the road. You could seriously hurt somebody, and if that happens, the adrenaline rush you felt when you put your foot down just won’t be worth it. And, at best, you could get stopped by the cops and fined before you’ve even got a month of driving experience under your belt.
Keep Learning:
Many teens believe that once they’ve got their license, they’re good to go. But while you might have mastered the basics of driving enough to get your driver’s license and be able to drive your own car on the roads, get into the habit of continuing to learn. Remember that you’re still mastering a lot of driving and there are going to be some new situations that you encounter, so don’t be afraid to ask people who’ve been driving for longer for help; they’ve probably been in more situations on the road than you and can show you things that driver’s ed doesn’t teach you.
Get a Good Handsfree Kit:
As tempting as it may be to answer a text or make a call while driving, it’s best to avoid this entirely – even if it is legal in your state. Using a cell phone when you’re driving can be one of the easiest ways to distract yourself from the road and many serious collisions have occurred as a result. Get a hands-free kit so that you can mount your phone on your dashboard if you need to use it for directions and use an Aux or Bluetooth for taking calls without having to touch the handset.
Like it or not, teens tend to be involved in the most collisions on the road. If you’re excited to get your first car, keep these tips in mind and drive safely.
What Should You Do If You Are Injured In a Car Accident?
If you are the victim of someone else’s reckless driving, you should consider seeking legal assistance. A car accident attorney can help you understand your rights. The aftermath of an auto accident can be confusing. Reach to someone in your area who can provide answers to your questions.