As the old saying goes: There is more than one way to skin a cat. Of course, you won’t actually need to skin any cats in the medical field, but the old wisdom still applies. As you consider your future after high school, you need to be aware that there is more than one road that leads to your destination. If you want to clear mcat, you can find mcat practice questions online that can be of great help. In this article, we will take a brief look at four of those paths that lead to careers in the medical field.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
For those who want to go into nursing, this is almost a requirement. You can choose to get an associate degree in nursing, but students with a BSN are usually going to be preferred. Johns-Hopkins and Duke University are known for their excellent BSN programs, but there are many potential options. The only downside is that you can expect to spend four years in school and this education will not be cheap. Your student loan debt will be significantly greater with a BSN, so you’ll need to get a job lined up as soon as possible after graduation. The most important qualities for a BSN student are critical thinking, professional conduct, and communication skills.
Associate Degree in Medical Assisting
An associate degree in medical assisting prepares students for careers in places such as hospitals, surgical centers, clinics, and medical offices. As you might guess from the name, this degree will prepare you to be an assistant to some other medical professional. This might sound kind of lame but bare in mind that you can always obtain additional certification at a later date. This degree gives you an excellent way to earn a living in the meantime. This degree takes only 1-2 years to obtain, so it’s a good option for those who are in a hurry to get out in the field and gain experience. You can get these kinds of degrees online with relative ease, but it’s probably not a good idea. In terms of education costs versus earning potential, this is a very good choice.
Healthcare IT Professional
If you want to get into the medical field, but don’t want to deal with blood, pus, and other such unpleasant things, you might consider a career in healthcare information technology. Hospitals are required by both law and common practice to keep records of virtually everything. This practice is unlikely to change anytime soon, which means that there will always be a significant demand for this kind of work. Educational requirements for this field are much less stringent than other medical professions. An associate degree in any IT-related field (medical or otherwise) should be sufficient. However, those who are considering this career should take at least a few medical courses to make themselves a more appealing hire.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Becoming an EMT is a much more hardcore option than the others, but it has several advantages. First of all, EMTs don’t have to worry about long-term care, making the job a little easier. As an EMT, your job would focus on rapid and efficient stabilization treatment. However, you also have to be able to handle the trauma and stress that naturally come with an emergency. Not everyone can handle this kind of thing, which creates more opportunities for those who can. You will only need about two years of school, and the pay is moderately good.
The above is only a small sampling of the many jobs that make up the medical field. Before setting your mind on any one profession, it pays to do your research and make sure that you have chosen the place where you will do your best work. We hope that this article has inspired you to do exactly that, and we wish you success in whatever career you choose.
If you’re graduating high school in the next year or so and are continuing your education, you’ll want to develop some good habits now before you start. Check out this article with some great habits you can start now to prepare!