Addiction is a progressive disease which if left untreated can have a spectrum of outcomes. Addiction can spring from a number of biological, genetic, and environmental factors that often work in combination.
Contrary to what most people believe, addiction is often not a choice. There’s a lot more to it than a person simply choosing to use drugs, alcohol, or other substances.
The thing about addiction is that it changes the very chemistry of the brain. Addiction affects parts of the brain that control motivation, learning, reward, memory, and judgment. If left untreated, it can impact other parts of the body. Addiction can also negatively affect relationships and other spheres of a person’s life.
With that said, let’s take a look at common facts about addiction recovery that most people don’t know. Here they are:

There’s no ‘one’ cure/way to recovery
You have to know that addiction is a complex disease. Therefore, as such, there’s no one way to addiction recovery treatment. Because of this reason, it’s wise to talk to other people who are undergoing recovery to get a sense of what to expect when you’re trying to lead a sober life.
At the same time, you need to also find out what works best for you. For instance, some people respond better to medication and therapy when combined with yoga or meditation. Others respond better when they get support from a social network. Talking to a professional is the best way to work out these things.
Just going to a treatment facility is not enough
Going to rehab centers or a treatment facility is usually the first step and a crucial one at that. But, a wholesome treatment approach will address the underlying issues that are causing the addiction, to begin with.
It involves family members and educates them about ways to create a healthy environment for a successful recovery. If a strenuous relationship or loneliness are the triggers, therapy will address those issues. Inpatient rehab centers also cultivate life skills in the patient for a long-term recovery.
Only intentions are not enough; you need actionable steps
Yes, you need to work on developing a positive attitude and repeat positive affirmations; but that alone will only get you so far. The road to recovery needs more than just good intentions. You must implement actionable steps.
Start with making small lifestyle changes so they can slowly turn into one big change to reach your goal. You can start with an everyday walk or joining a hobby class before upping the ante in your recovery process.
Recovery demands radical lifestyle changes
If you think that you can continue to lead the same old lifestyle and still be able to lead a sober life, then you’re wrong. Simply going to a drug detox center and then abstaining from drugs without giving your entire lifestyle an overhaul could lead to relapses soon. If you want to enjoy long-term recovery you re-evaluate the activities you partake in, the people you hang out with as well as change your thinking patterns.
There’s a difference between sobriety and recovery
There’s a difference between achieving sobriety and living a sober life. It’s one thing to take out the drugs and alcohol from the equation. But, that’s only a temporary solution. Without correcting the lifestyle, behavior, and thinking patterns that trigger addiction, you will find it hard to stay sober. It’s important to look for progress and see if you still feel the need to rely on drugs when faced with difficult situations.
Relapse is not a Failure
It’s important not to view relapses as a failure. It’s not uncommon for people to question their willpower and think that they’re a failure in life in the face of a relapse. They can happen to anyone. That is why it’s important that in the face of relapse you must remain calm and take the necessary steps to get back on your road to sobriety.
Overall Health is Important
Recovery programs work on all aspects of life. This includes your health as well. You cannot ignore your physical health and still expect for things to turn out fine. To that end, you’ll have to make diet changes. You will also need to make exercising a part of your life.
Gratitude can work like magic
Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for successful and sustainable recovery. When you feel thankful for having taken the first step and for all the little victories you made along the way, it makes you more resilient. You become happier and more positive. It’s good to write down thoughts of gratitude in a journal and see the great difference it will make in your life.
Fellowship is important and should not be underestimated
For anyone going through addiction recovery, fellowship is an integral part of the journey. It doesn’t matter whether the person in recovery is your daughter, son, or husband; if you haven’t been through a similar situation, you will never truly understand their situation.
Only people who have been through active addiction and are now on the path to sobriety will empathize with the person. Therefore, it’s important to connect with a group of people undergoing similar challenges. The fellowship is crucial for long-term well-being and sustainable recovery.
Final Thoughts
The road to recovery can be full of ordeals and unforeseen situations. That’s why it’s important to work in collaboration with therapists, doctors, and family members. Also understanding what to expect during your journey can save you a lot of trouble and heartache. Hopefully, with the insight from this blog, you’ll be more informed.