As children age, they need to understand that the law must be followed and respected. With the various rebellions and protests occurring, children can grow up knowing that such things happen every day and don’t have to follow the law, which is not the case. As a parent, you need to make sure you make your children know that it is essential to follow the law or else you will have to suffer for your decisions.

- Ways To Make Your Children Obey The Law
As a parent, you need to explain to your child why they need to obey the law all the time. Make them see how law assists the nation and individuals at large and what happens when this law is broken. Once your children know how the world lives when there is peace, they will not violate any rules at any point in their lives.
- Be a role model
When you are a parent, your attitude towards obeying the law impacts a lot on your children; if you don’t follow the law, your children will follow you because they are looking up to you. Since children don’t know much about the law, you are the ones who will make them follow the law or go against it.
- Protest in the proper manner
It would help if you taught your kids to stand by what they think is right. Even though you do this, you also need to teach them the things that need protesting over and things that don’t need to be opposed. It would help if you also taught them the importance of a peaceful protest. Inform them that they need to inform the government that they want to hold a peaceful protest and why they have one so that they are not caught.
- Interact with authorities
If you have the means to make your child interact with the authorities, you should take it. You could visit any police station of your choice and ask their head if they could issue you with an officer who will talk to your child about the importance of law and why your child needs to abide by them. Once given permission, set a date and time for the meetup. Other than learning more about law, your child will have an opportunity to know the duties that police officers carry out daily.
Other than a police station, you could take your child to a law firm, and the best law firm for this is the criminal law firm Sydney. Here your child will learn that if they break the law, they have to face the consequences in a court of law and prove themselves innocent.
Following the law is very easy, but we always tend to break it in one way or another. As a parent, you need to make sure you teach your child everything they need to know about the law consistently to be safe from getting arrested and taken to prison.