It seems like there would be nothing to compare to the feeling of freedom associated with the wind in your hair while riding on a motorcycle on a cool night. That being said, this can be incredibly unsafe for reasons that will be discussed in this article. There is nothing wrong with riding a motorcycle, but there are some very important aspects of it to remember. if you want to remain safe.

What Gear is Required?
It has been shown through recent statistics that those who drive motorcycles are overall twenty-six times more likely to die compared with automobile drivers. The unfortunate truth is that many of these deaths can be avoided simply by wearing proper safety gear and equipment.
Laws vary depending on where you are driving and in what conditions you are driving in. However, just because something is allowed, does not mean that it is safe for you! For example, many states do not require a helmet to ride a motorcycle, but one should always be worn to protect your head.
Another important thing to remember is to cover as much skin as possible. This will help protect against bugs or rocks kicked up by cars, rain, and bad scrapes in the event of a fall. To do this, make sure you wear pants, never shorts. Gloves, boots, and a jacket should all also be worn every time you ride on a motorcycle to offer the greatest amount of protection.
What Happens if I Crash?
Through the engineering of their structure and materials, cars offer a considerable degree of protection to their driver and passengers in the event of an accident. The steel frame will support a great deal of impact force, and the windshield provides protection from oncoming materials. Not so for motorcycles. Those safety features are not present which results in the rider being in the direct path of collisions. Bodies are not as strong as cars, and in the event of an accident, the rider will most likely be more damaged than anything else.
The takeaway: be more cautious on a bike than on a car!
Riding a motorcycle can be an expression of personal freedom and individuality, perfect for a teenager or beginner driver. In many cases, motorcycles can be more fuel efficient than much larger cars. However, as mentioned, it is crucial to remember what gear will keep you safe, how protected you are while riding a motorcycle, and when it is appropriate to ride.