How To Get Over A Breakup and a Broken Heart

Dealing with a breakup and a broken heart is not easy. It’s normal to feel heartbroken and lost, but it’s important to give yourself time to heal. Ever heard of, “no feeling is final?” It’s TRUE. The next few weeks of your life will feel like they’re going by so slowly and every song you hear will remind you of your ex. After a while, your life will feel normal again. Just know that everything will be fine and YOU will always find your happiness, because it really doesn’t depend on anybody else.

Below are a few healthy tips to help you with how to get over a break up and a broken heart.

how to get over a breakup and broken heart

Disconnect from your ex

I know this might seem crazy and impossible, but you have to try. Unfollow/block them from your social media accounts because you will find yourself stalking their profile to see what they’ve been up to. Don’t call or text them! Even if you’ve deleted their number, there’s no doubt that you have that number memorized. If you’ve ended on bad terms and are seeking closure, the early stages of a break up may not be the right time to talk to them about it. Let your broken heart heal first.

Vent to the right people

This is the time to call your loved ones and your closest friends to vent without being judged. Try not to talk trash about the other person; focus on how you feel and remember the good times. I know it may seem easier to think of the bad times you’ve had and their bad qualities because you think you’ll hate them faster and get over them easier, but that’s not always the case. Use this time to bond with your friends for some comfort food and romcoms. Bring out those tubs of ice cream! (Just don’t over do it…one of the best tips for how to get over a breakup and broken heart is to look your best).

Do NOT find a rebound

This is not the time to start dating again. Even though the days and nights feel so lonely, you don’t need to start talking to someone to help you heal. You are vulnerable at this time. Hooking up can potentially hurt you and the other person, and worsen your broken heart. This is not a time to play with feelings just because you want to fill that empty space or get revenge.

how to get over a break up and broken heart

Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself is crucial! It’s easy to let yourself go and not care about anything. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Reinvent and rediscover yourself by doings things you love. Spend quality time with yourself and the people you care about. Exercise to release endorphins and reduce stress. Fuel yourself by eating healthy and happily. Know that you are loved by many. Love yourself too.

Learn from the power of love

Finally accepting that the relationship is over is hard. The truth is that this will make you stronger and that this is a part of life and falling in love. It is okay to cry, but not forever. Your heart should only get stronger from here. There’s always a lesson learned from every relationship. You learn how to give your heart to someone, you learn to better communicate and when things fall apart, you will learn to stand up on your own two feet again.

Remember, how to get over a breakup depends on your attitude and the feelings you allow yourself to feel. Choose wisely!

Kristen_MarquezKristen Marquez graduated with a B.A. in Cinema & Television Arts from California State, University Northridge with an emphasis in Television Production. She is a social media coordinator by day and a content creator by night. With her great imagination, she knows she will create the next big thing whether it’s a script, a product or a simple idea that will fill people’s hearts with joy and entertainment. She blogs for a hobby and loves spending time with her golden retriever Lily.

Instagram: @lexikris
Twitter: @krisiza10

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