Getting sick is no joke, especially when you should be out enjoying life. Unfortunately, though, anyone can contract illnesses, including young people. While most illnesses aren’t too serious, some can change the course of your life if you aren’t careful. That’s why we want to discuss some common illnesses among teenagers and young adults and what to look out for. Here’s what you need to know to protect your health.

The Common Cold
Colds or variations of them are the most frequently contracted illnesses on the globe, and, as such, everyone gets them, regardless of how old they are. However, it’s important to note that children and teens tend to get them at a higher rate than adults. This may be due to their still-developing immune systems.
That said, colds can come from over 200 different viruses, so it’s easy to catch one. Colds are hardly ever serious, but they can make you uncomfortable. So, find ways to boost your immune system, like eating healthier foods and getting plenty of rest.
Influenza, or the flu, can present a more serious risk for teens as its symptoms present themselves all at once rather than over time. This can cause a quick decline in health and even lead to hospitalization if you aren’t careful. There are several flu strains to be on the lookout for, including gastroenteritis or stomach flu. Each type can be very contagious and progress quickly. For that reason, it’s important to diagnose the illness as soon as you can.
Another common illness among teenagers and young adults is mononucleosis. Mononucleosis is otherwise known as mono or “the kissing disease” because it spreads most effectively via saliva. Mono comes from a couple of viruses, and, depending on its root cause, it can stay in your body for life. Fortunately, once you’ve contracted it once, you’re unlikely to get it again. Some common symptoms of mono are fatigue, headaches, sore throat, and muscle soreness. Make sure you learn all you can about mono so that you can better protect yourself.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Teens are at a higher risk for contracting certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well. If you plan to be sexually active, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself. Chlamydia, HPV, and HIV are just a few examples of illnesses you can contract from unprotected sex. So, talk to your doctor about what you can do to stay safe.
Even as a teen, looking after your health is a critical part of living a fulfilled life. So, don’t leave it up to chance, and take a proactive approach to protecting yourself. Visit a doctor regularly and be aware of how you’re feeling so that you can react accordingly. This way, you can focus more on friends, hobbies, and the next stage of your life.