When you have been seeing a guy for sometime but are not sure of how to tell him that you are in love with him, the situation brings confusion which might end up in frustration. Therefore, you may be wondering on how to bring out your feelings without looking like you are too imposing. The good news is that you can tell him that you love him without repeating the three magic words every time. This is because three words are very scary to guys. Therefore, you have to be very careful on how you handle the situation. With the tips below, you can transform your relationship from a flirty game to a long term relationship without scaring the guy off. Also here are some tips given on How To Tell A Guy You Like Him. Read these tips and tell the man of your life that you are in love with him.

Show him that you care
Telling your man that you love him that you love him is a gradual process. It is not advisable to just bomb him with your feelings in jut one day. Instead, show him that you care every time you are with him. He will naturally understand that you are doing all this for love.
Support him wherever he needs it
If you want to show your man that you love him, you need to support him as much as you can. Stand up for him and be the pillar that he leans on when he is at his lowest. When you do this, you will become his source of strength. In the process, he will grow to love you. When you are always available for him, he will understand you when you say that you love him. In fact, telling him the same when the right time comes will not be that difficult.
Talk about love
You can also talk casually about love. A good idea is to get to watch a movie together about love or read a romantic novel together. This will get you to hear his opinion on the topic while at the same time prepare him for the same. However, do not tell him directly that you love him but instead, let him know from the way you speak to him. Through this, he will know what you have for him in your heart.
Give him a surprise note
To sink the message in, you can tuck a message to the man saying that you love him without actually using the words. The man will be surprised by your move and this will make him understand what you actually feel. Depending on how he reacts, you can take the advantage of this to actually tell him that you love him. However, this should happen later.
Prepare his favorite meal for him
Another idea of letting a man know that you love him is to prepare his favorite meal. In doing so, make sure that he knows that you are the one who made the meal. Also, let him see the amount of dedication, hard work, and love that has gone into making the meal. You can take the advantage of the meal time to let him know that you are doing all this because you love him. Doing it in this manner will not shock him and instead, he will appreciate what you are saying. Furthermore, he will have a clue of what you are alluding to.
Talk about someone he knows who has fallen in love
Another clue of letting a man know that you are in love with him is talking about a person, whom you know in common who is happy in love. This will trigger the feelings that you have with each other and in the process; you can tell him that you are in love with him.
Revisit the past
You can also take a trip down the memory lane where you will take your loved one to a place where you two have been before. This can be a place or an event that explains why both of you are together. As you make the journey that you two have planned, you can take the advantage and let him know that you love him. This can bring an environment that enhances love.
Men are very sensitive in that, as much as they would like to hear you say that you love them, many of them will shy away from hearing you say it. In fact, most of them will get scared when they hear you say it from the blues. Just make sure to find the right place, time and mood where you can tell him that you love him. Don’t do it in front of his family or friends as he may get embarrassed. Also, don’t do it in front of other people as he may feel the pressure to reciprocate. When you want to tell him that you love him, do it in a place where you two are alone. This will give him space and the right environment to absorb without scaring him.