Chloe Liddle is a 12-year-old dancer from Northern Virginia who has beeen dancing since the age of four. She has an older sister and younger brother. She practices several styles which include jazz, hip hop, contemporary, ballet and tap. Her favorite styles are contemporary and hip hop.
In addition to dance, she started acting and modeling a couple of years ago and most recently did a worldwide TARGET back-to-school commercial.
Here’s 5 Fast Facts about Chloe!

Her talents were recognized with a scholarship!
Most memorable experience is earning my very first dance scholarship. It was such a great feeeling!
However, things don’t always go perfectly.
My big mess up was actually this summer. I was at a national dance convention (TDA) in Orlando and was performing my solo. I have a part where I take off part of my costume and the costume got stuck and I couldn’t get it off in time.
She has a healthy way to deal with pressure.
I think young girls are often pressured to be perfect and amazing at most things they do. I don’t think the pressure can be avoided but I just try to walk away knowing I tried my best and gave it my all.
She’s bendy.
Something that would surprise people about me – I am double jointed in my arms and fingers.
Don’t serve her cod or flounder, please.
One food I refuse to eat right now is fish. It is kind of funny because I like sushi (California Rolls) and seaweed but don’t like fish.

Getting ready to head to 4 hours of dance training. 🙂 Thank you!
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