Hello Sister is a group comprised of three sisters named Grace (lead singer, bass), Gabriella (guitar) and Scarlett Mason (drums) who live in Florida but have already made several journeys to the Los Angeles area to further their careers. They’ve got a very catchy pop-rock sound and are very comfortable on stage — see and listen for yourself by checking out their music video for “Middle Schooler” (scroll down).
Here’s five fast facts about Hello Sister!

They feel the best bit about performing is:
When our fans love our music!
One of them had a close encounter with a very famous star.
When I (Grace) was at my first concert Taylor Swift and I yelled “I love you Taylor” when the music was paused.. she looked up into the crowd and winked!
They almost lost one sister.
When we couldn’t find Scarlett in a Bestbuy store and they closed the store to look for her! We found her!
They visit THIS country every year.
We love sports, gardening and eat almost everything! Our parents are Canadian and we see our Canadian family every year !
There’s one food they REFUSE to eat!
Selfie time!
