5 Fast Facts about singer and actor Erich Schuett

Erich Schuett started performing in front of crowds at age five, and by the age of nine he was already singing, dancing, and acting in competitive engagements. Erich’s accomplishments include: played Friedrich for the Broadway 50th Anniversary National Tour of The Sound of Music; finalist in the American Protégé International Vocal Competition; sang at Carnegie Hall Stern Auditorium; 2018 Honors Performance Series Sydney Opera House Finalist; 2017 Grammy consideration for his first professional recording “A Christmas Presence.”

Erich’s first feature film 18 TO PARTY is premiering at the Woodstock Film Festival, Friday October 4th at 9:30PM at Upstate Films in Woodstock and Sunday October 6th at 3:15PM at the Rosendale Theatre in Rosendale. https://woodstockfilmfestival.org/2019-lineup-announcement

Here are 5 fast facts about Eric Schuett!

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He started with a classical approach.

Singing is a craft I have worked on seriously since the age 9 and I continue to grow every day. The one piece of advice I can give would be to practice. It makes a huge difference and never force anything. There’s no one thing that can make you a singer overnight. I was also told by my first voice teacher Mr. Craig Wich that I should start with classical study, that it would help me grow and develop safely. In my opinion it was a game changer and I still sing and study opera.

He’s got advice for kids who are being bullied.

Oh of course, I used to get bullied all the time. People would always make fun of me for what I did. They thought it was all fake and I was so full of myself. And to be honest, I’m really not. I love helping others and to those of you who are being bullied try to ignore it and know some people are not happy and want to hurt others. If they continue, get some of evidence of it, (like a video or audio recording or pictures) and show it to a teacher and tell your parents.

He’s got a good attitude about mistakes.

Most? I’ve had a ton. I’m honestly a walking embarrassment half the time. One of the worst was when I was singing for a cabaret and I cracked on almost every single high note. It was mortifying, my voice was just starting to change. I kept on singing and finished the song strong and was able to laugh after, life is never a game of perfect!

Rust Bros is probably high on his list of shows to watch.

I’m a huge car guy. I love working on and driving cars. its such a far cry from singing, but hey, its what I like! I became obsessed when I was younger watching hot wheels cartoons and collecting the cars, I have thousands of them today.

He’s got ONE little-bitty communication challenge.

Talking over people. I do it ALL the time but its not intentional. Usually I do it when I’m really excited for something and want to tell everyone right away. When I was younger in school they called it a blurt alert!

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