Jake Clark (@itsjakeclark) is a teen singer from Thousand Oaks, California who just started dropping tracks last year but has already built up a good following, including many members of young Hollywood with whom he maintains good friendships.
He is playing a show at the legendary Troubadour in West Hollywood on June 29th (TICKETS HERE) and just released a breezy little track called “Sun Sets Over the City” which you can listen to right now: open.spotify.com/track/7yslp51RjJn32iGTw4SIHX
Here’s 5 Fast Facts about Jake Clark!

He’s shook with how much support his first song received.
My biggest project was releasing my very first single, “The Drive.” When I first released it I was not expecting the overwhelming amount of support that would come of it. I just thought it would be fun to release a song, but it opened so many doors for me. I remember waking up looking on Spotify seeing that it had over 100,000 streams and feeling so astonished and grateful. However, I have some huge things coming up soon, and I can not wait to share!!
He’s still not used to getting recognized on the street.
The strangest thing to happen to me in show biz so far is getting recognized. I guess it’s not really strange, but it’s just crazy to me. Never ever in 1,000 years did I think I would get recognized. I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty average kid who loves to sing. It’s so funny cause while looking on Instagram it can sometimes turn into a numbers game. But the fact that those numbers are real people is so inspiring to me. And I hope I can use my platform to make others happy, and show my followers it’s important to not take life too seriously.
He’s trying to up his game.
One habit I’m trying to break is disciplining myself to work super hard on my music. I’ve always loved music and done it for fun, but now that it is turning into a career, I need to realize that it’s not only a passion, but a job. But you know what they say, do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. And for that reason, I’m so grateful.
He’s got a very unusual skill.
One thing people are surprised to hear about me is I can pogo stick and jump rope at the same time 😉
No Dodger Dogs for him.
One food I refuse to eat is HOT DOGS. *insert throw up emoji*
Can we get a selfie of whatever you are up to at the moment?
Here is a photo of me RN on my RV on a camping trip!!