Katelyn Eames is a 14-year-old model from England. She lives in the countryside, is a dancer, and has been modeling for about 3 years. She has done a number of shoots for different clothing brands, tv, commercial, movies, editorial and cat walk shows.
Here’s 5 fast facts about Katelyn!

She can’t pinpoint just one singular best moment as a model but she certainly remembers her cringiest!
I don’t have a particular best moment so far. Every time I get published is amazing. I’ve been so lucky to meet lots of incredible people over the past couple of years. And made lots of friends. One of my favourite things is travelling so I think I’m super lucky that this job takes me to places I would not have normally gotten to visit.
Cringeworthy moment was having to roar at the camera for a shoot. When all I wanted to do was laugh!
When not on a shoot, she dresses very down to earth.
I’m definitely a joggers and hoodie kinda girl. If it’s comfortable and baggy I love it!!!
If you were to ask her friends, they would say her best quality is:
ohhhh I would definitely say my sense of humour! I can never stay serious for too long. Though I can be a little (or a lot!) sarcastic at times lol.
She’s into more than modeling.
I am actually a published creative writer. I love anything creative!!
Stew is a hard pass for her.
I loath stew or casserole!!! It just makes me think of prison food slop! Yuk!!!!!