Ever hear ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ or ‘It’s the little things that matter’? You know you could have fixed that little rip in your fav T-shirt and regretted later that you didn’t stitch it up before it made the entire shirt into something you could only wear to bed. There are, however, some seemingly small daily details that can produce very unfortunate outcomes when ignored too long.

“It Doesn’t Really Matter If I Skip Brushing Sometimes, Does It?”
Even when you don’t eat very much on a given day, bacteria still flourish in your mouth and eat away at your tooth enamel. Once that enamel is worn down enough, the interior of your teeth is under constant attack. The only thing standing between your teeth and that bacteria is your regular practice of brushing, flossing and rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash, combined with regular dental care with your dentist in Avon Lake. Leaving all those food particles on your teeth leads to plaque formation, cavities and ultimately, many reasons a root canal may be necessary. Root canals are never a pleasant experience and almost always are a far more expensive process than the simple practice of keeping your mouth clean on the regular.
“80 Percent of Sun Damage Occurs Before Age 18, So Why Worry About It Now?”
Wrong! Try 25 percent, which means the earlier you begin protecting your skin with good quality sunscreens, the less likely that you will be dealing with the damage associated with cumulative sun exposure, such as skin cancer (melanoma), wrinkles, thinning skin, dark spots, and ‘broken’ capillary veins on the skin.
“What’s So Important About A Good Night’s Sleep?”
Getting your daily rest is more important than most of us realize. When we are genuinely exhausted, it can lead to such serious issues as heart disease, lowered immune response, inflammation, erratic moods and inappropriate behavior, forgetfulness, and irritability. Cutting your sleep short over time can contribute to things like poor motivation, being unable to crush it at the gym, and an irresistible craving for high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods, due in part to a rise in cortisol, the stress hormone. Chances are, you’re staying up late because you’re looking at your phone, which can add a whole bunch of other issues as well.
To avoid all these significant problems, try this simple recipe: good dental hygiene, sunscreen SPF 30, and seven hours of sleep a night. For more health tips, check out our other articles!