If you are a massive lover of antique jewellery and want to start a collection yourself, it is simple to get started. An antique jewellery collection can begin when you get your first piece, and you can spend as much or as little as you want on it. An antique jewellery collection does not have to be worth millions of dollars; instead, you should collect jewellery items you like and that make you happy. Below are tips to help you start your antique jewellery collection and ensure you get quality items you love to admire and wear.

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Educate Yourself On Antique Jewellery
The first place to start when you want to collect antique jewellery is to learn as much as possible about the subject. There are various ways to do this, and there is plenty of information available freely on the internet. There are websites and forums you can read and post questions. You can even find on these sites some knowledgeable collectors who can answer your questions and help to educate you on your favourite antiques. You can learn about the different styles and designs from each period and how they made the jewellery, which is often much higher quality than mass-produced jewellery from a factory.
Know What You Like
You will also need to consider what type of antique jewellery you like and want to collect, and there are many options available. You can decide you want to collect jewellery from a specific period, such as:• Art Deco Jewellery • Georgian Jewellery• Victorian Jewellery• Art Nouveau Jewellery• Edwardian Jewellery
Think about the type and style of jewellery you prefer, and you will then want to concentrate on this for your collection. However, you also need to ensure that what you collect is practical and can use it in your everyday life. If it is not, your jewellery will remain locked away, not seeing the light of day and not being enjoyed by as many people as possible.
Starting Off Your Collection
You only need to buy one piece of antique jewellery to start collecting it, so you will want to go out shopping and find something you like. You can purchase a beautiful antique gold bracelet from reputable dealers and start your collection with something you love. However, once you start buying, be careful, as you may get the bug and want to spend all your spare money on beautiful antique jewellery.
Store Your Antique Jewellery Correctly

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Once you start collecting antique jewellery, you will also need to ensure that you store it correctly. You will need to keep it free from dust and direct sunlight, which can fade it and make it less appealing. The best way of doing this is to have a jewellery box where you can keep everything safe, but there are other options you can choose from to do this. For moretips and ideas on storing your antique jewellery that will help keep it in excellent condition for many years to come, there are related articles you can find through Google search.
Collecting antique jewellery can be a lot of fun, and you can imagine the history of each piece you collect. Ensure you purchase only the things you like and can use, and you can start a fantastic antique jewellery collection that will be the envy of your friends.