Jackson Dollinger is set to become one of Disney’s newest rising stars with the January 25 premiere of the Original Disney Channel Series, Sydney to the Max. Jackson plays Young Max, the tween version of title character’s Sydney father who is shown in flashbacks set in the 1990s.
We got the chance to ask Jackson a few questions so you get to know him and his upcoming show better. Scroll down for our Q&A!

Hi Jackson, nice to e-meet you! Before we get into your role on Disney’s new show “Sydney to the Max,” tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hi. It’s really nice to meet you too. Well, I am turning 12 years old this month. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I have been acting for a couple of years now. I started my acting career doing commercials and about a year in, I decided to try out theatrical. My passion is skateboarding and I have been skating since I was about 2 years old. In my spare time, I spend a lot of time skateboarding, surfing and playing basketball.
Thanks…now tell us what “Sydney to the Max” is all about, and about your character Young Max!
Sydney to the Max is a sentimental and heartwarming comedy about a single father raising his middle school daughter with the wisdom and wisecracks of his mother, Judy, who has a razor-sharp memory of Young Max’s teenage antics. Many of the flashbacks scenes to young Max and his best friend Leo parallel the funny predicaments that Sydney and her best friend Olive get into.
Young Max is a fun, outgoing, loveable daredevil and avid skateboarder. He is being raised by his single mother, Judy, and is seen in flashbacks to the 1990s. Young Max wants nothing more than to impress the cool skate crowd known as the “Dog Boys” and hang with his best friend Leo, at home or the local video arcade.
You play the younger version of Ian Reed Kesler’s character, Max, shown in flashbacks. Did you guys meet or were you totally separate on set since your characters live in different eras?
Although we never shoot scenes at the same time, I see Ian every day because the present day and 1990’s sets are all on the same stage. I love playing the younger version of Ian. He is super talented and funny and I learn a lot about Young Max’s mannerisms just by studying Ian when he is performing his scenes.
What is the biggest difference between young and older Max, and what is the most challenging part about playing him?
The biggest difference is Young Max is quite the character in his younger years and Adult Max has mellowed out in his older years, but is still a big kid at heart.
I think the most challenging part about playing Young Max is that when shooting a scene in the 1990s, there is technology that I have never even seen. For example, I had to make a call from a payphone and I had to get a quick little lesson on how to use it, smartphones operate a whole lot differently than rotary phones. LOL
What’s been the best part about being on that show so far?
I would have to say that the best part about being on the show is I have learned so much. I have learned a lot about myself, my acting, blocking and shooting, and doing stunts. Also, the cast is so talented and the crew is so awesome. It is truly a pleasure to work with each and every one of them. I feel very fortunate to be part of this awesome show. It is a show to be proud of!!

And the hardest?
I think the biggest adjustment for me has been getting used to doing school and work every day while shooting. It isn’t hard, just different from my schedule when I attended traditional school.
If you could bring back ONE thing from the 1990s, what would it be and why?
I would definitely bring back the freedom to roam with friends without parental supervision. Young Max is a pretty free-range kid on the show. It seems like kids in the 1990s had a bit more freedom in terms of going places with their friends. The world seemed like a simpler and safer place.
Tell me something people might be surprised to know about you?
I think that people might be surprised to know that unlike my character Young Max, I am a straight A student.
Biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when someone is handing me silverware or a straw and they touch the part that I will be eating or drinking from.
Favorite food?
My favorite food is absolutely SUSHI…hands down.
Favorite Youtuber?
My favorite Youtuber is Roy Purdy because he is a great skater and I love his dance moves.
What’s the last movie you watched, and give me a review…but you can only use TWO WORDS for the review : )
The last movie I saw was Birdbox. Two words . . . Couldn’t sleep!
The one thing I cannot live without is__________.
The one thing I cannot live without is my skateboard, but water would be a close second.
Most embarrassing moment IRL you wish you could do over?
One very embarrassing moment was when I was sitting and tipping on a chair during a network run through and the chair fell all the way back and I ended up on the floor in front of everyone.
What else are you working on or have coming up next?
We are still in production on Season 1 of Sydney to the Max. I will be working on the show through March.
Selfie time!

Follow Jackson Dollinger at https://www.instagram.com/jacksondollinger/
Watch Jackson in this trailer for the new show, Sydney to the Max!
Ok so I have something to tell you Jackson, you live in Los Angeles and I live right outside of Wellsboro which means we are exactly 38 hours away from each other that’s less than two days. To be exact that is a day and 10 hours that we are apart. Although I guess it would be maybe a little less or more give or take 3 hours since the time zones for Los Angeles and Wellsboro are 3 hours apart which means it would be 2:47 in Los Angeles right now which means if school ends at the same time there you would be in school still. Wow I guess I can do math.
Happy birthday Jackson!!!! I hope you are having a great day and I hope you are doing well. I really like your jacket in the very first picture. Honest. I think you’re really cool and I really like your acting and music. Your awesome. Oh and I also really like your jacket in your wand IDs. The way you flipped on your skateboard way to cool!!!! It’s awesome. Also your response to things your fans say are funny
Ok bro, you watched birdbix????!!!! *Sigh in confusion* listen., It’s rated R. And last time I checked you were 12 when you watched it. Um, seriously??? What did you want to have nightmares???? You obviously probably did if you couldn’t sleep. And you watched a star is born? Actually I don’t blame you on that one. I’ve never seen it but it looks good. But still those are rated R. Why did your parents let you watch them? A star is born I get, but birdbox???!!!! * Sigh again* really.
Ok you know what you’re talking about, bro you went to Hawaii?????!!!!!! I mean jeez mr cool kid. And you went to Florida!!!! My one friend actually used to live there same with my aunt. Listen Jackson, you are so relatable but sometimes I wonder if you’re spying on me because you like all of the same things that I do. Also I agree with you about bunked and coop and Cami ask the world being really good shows. Your also really inspiring to me since you’re a really funny and cool actor. I was watching a video of you and I literally couldn’t stop laughing, you said a lot of funny things. Also I really liked your jacket, I know it was when you were 12 but it just looks really nice on you. Yeah I don’t think you’ve ever wore something that I don’t like. Sorry I worded that weird, I meant you look nice in a lot of things, also how did it go with you going back to in person school when you were 12 like did you get a lot of people who were swarming you with questions or being all interested in
what you were doing? You are so sweet and cool and funny. And you’re also inspiring. So yeah I literally watched your acting when I was bored the one day in 5 th grade and I can’t stop . That’s how I know that your a really amazing actor. I’m serious I was bored one day in 5 th grade and I sat down and watched Sydney to the max and I instantly loved it. You were instantly the only person who could make me laugh when I feel upset or am annoyed and trust me I was very annoyed constantly with being stuck at home with the same people every single day without seeing new people. I cried a lot because I was so bored and annoyed. I missed all of the people from school, even the people that I don’t like whatsoever, that’s how bored I was, lucky I had your acting to distract me from it. Until you couldn’t make anymore episodes. So now do you see why I like your acting. It’s More than just a distraction, it actually feels like I have known you personally forever. Even though I have never met you in person. That’s how much I trust you and like your acting.
Ok actually I can definitely relate to moinl
Bro golden hour is perfect, just perfect. Your so good at singing and to be honest I relate to all of your songs. Not joking. But I mean that’s good though since you have a lot of fans Who probably agree with me Jackson dollinger you are so good at singing, hey you should give me singing lessons! ??? I’m sorry I had to. but seriously you are so good at singing!!!!!! You are not going to change my mind. Ohh guess what, you’re exactly 2 year’s older than I am since your birthday is January 19 2007 and My birthday is January 18 2009 so that means that your exactly 2 year’s older than me. How cool!!!! Sorry I just get excited over pretty much everything that has to do with you. Not in a weird way though. But yeah so you will be 15 on Wednesday in two weeks. And I’ll be 13 on Tuesday in two weeks. Yes I can do the math for that. And My really good friend has her birthday on January 15 so yeah I love January. It’s the most exciting month of course. Sorry I’m just very excited. Ugh, ok I’m not excited for lunch on my birthday since the stinking teach won’t leave me alone when he finds out and at lunch everyone is going to sing happy birthday, NO!!!! UGH!!! I don’t want them to, no one does, they do it to everyone and it’s really annoying to everyone. It’s nice but they don’t have to do that every single time it’s someone’s birthday. Ok but besides that I’m excited to be 13 I will be a teenager , ok then I guess my grandma and grandpa will be dealing with 3 teenagers, well technically 2 but 18 is still a teenager , I think. Well anyway yeah. So my brother is 14 I’ll be 13 and my older sister is 18 so yeah, lucky them. Oh and we have a baby sister who lives with our mom and dad. So yeah she’s 1 right now. So I can relate to all of my friends other than myranda but other than her yeah. Lucky you are an only child, it’s not bad to have siblings but they are annoying as they get older along with you getting older then they really get annoying, like it’s not my fault that I like your singing and acting. And every time I bring up my friends that are boys they ask if I have a crush on them!!!!!! UGH!!!!! If it’s one time as a joke that’s definitely different than them being annoying even Asher is doing it now. He is a boy that I talk to sometimes. Yes ok I like being friends with boys is that a crime?! Honestly it’s not funny anymore, to I can’t wait until they get crushes then they’ll see how annoying it is to be constantly bugged by people about it. It’s just so what if I have a crush on someone it’s not a big deal it happens. Well to be honest I did have a crush on Asher’s identical twin brother Wyatt but we don’t talk about that. It’s really embarrassing since he made someone else who is my friend tell me that he doesn’t like me like that and yeah I got annoyed very fast since if he has something to tell me then do it yourself!!!! Don’t make my friends tell me for you!!!! It’s fine with me that he doesn’t like me like that but the point is that he should tell me himself, ok I get it he might not want to hurt my feelings but I already know that he doesn’t like me like that, I knew it a year ago when I first liked him, but I just didn’t say anything about it. And also Jackson dollinger a boy in my grade Jackson sesinage told Zoey my friend to let me know that he is sorry but he doesn’t like me like that either but he did it in a nice way and like I said I know that he doesn’t like me like that either. No one does and I’m fine with it since I don’t want to date people anyway so I’m completely ok with it. Ok I lied someone does like me in that way but like I said I don’t want to date. And he was weird about it and in the middle of gym class in school ,yes in school he tried to touch me and asked me if I would be his girlfriend and um, sorry but Not a chance. He just did it a weird way and we’re not even friends and if I knew him better and if we were friends then maybe I wouldn’t have ran away from him and completely avoided him, no I wasn’t being mean it’s just that he wouldn’t take a hint and I made it obvious that I don’t like him so he should have left me alone. And he continued to corner me and one time he saw me sitting there in a corner and decided to try and trap me and just an fyi I don’t like being trapped in places so I tried to get out and my one friend told him to stop and let me go and he said no she likes it even though I obviously didn’t. Like when I’m trying to get out by pushing you away it means I don’t like it at all. And when I finally got free I literally pulled my friend with me away from him and told the teachers and they said if he did it again then he would go to the principal. And what do you know he now is the one avoiding me, thank goodness. Yeah so I don’t like him whatsoever. So right now I don’t have a crush on anyone in the school which supprisingly is a relief for me, I’m done with the drama. So yeah. Ok don’t be mad but I kinda purposely told Wyatt that I like him without directly telling him just so that Cameron the boy who wouldn’t leave me alone would get upset and leave me alone finally. But I also have something to tell you, please don’t get all creeped out, but I might have a crush on you Jackson, I’m sorry I can’t help it, I mean you’re so sweet and cool, and you’re great at everything you do, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be weird.
So you are really good at making music and I love your singing Jackson how are you so good at singing????! Your singing voice is awesome!!!!!!? Also how are you?? I saw that you were wearing a leather jacket and black pants in the one picture of you and I really like your outfit. okay moonlight is my favorite song by you since it’s so catchy and I literally know all of the lyrics to moonlight so yeah that is how many times I’ve listened to your songs. Ok not that you really care about this but there’s this one person in my grade and he’s really making me uncomfortable since every time I go to talk to my one friend he always comes right next to me even though I have told him to please back up and the one time he trapped me in a corner where I was sitting and he started trying to hug me, NO, and my friend and I told him to let me out and that I don’t like it but he just laughed and continued to be weird. So yeah that is what happens when someone has a weird and creepy obsession with you. (, I’m 12 I don’t want people to do that) so yeah I just am trying to avoid him. Anyway how are you doing today??????? I hope you are having a great time today and I hope you have a great sleep tonight. Bye for now!!!!!!
So I have something to tell you Jackson, I once fell off a bike rack and my leg was stuck and I couldn’t catch myself, and………………… Well………… guess what happened. No I didn’t break my leg, thank goodness!!!!!!!! No I didn’t get seriously hurt, ok well I didn’t but it did hurt a lot. I Fell Head first on pavement with my leg stuck in a bike rack!!!!! How would that not hurt????? Anyway my head was bleeding and I didn’t know so when someone said that they were going to get the teacher I told them no and that I didn’t need help or anyone to come over. Wrong! They said my head was bleeding and when I lightly touch it yeah. Ick, it was bleeding a lot but don’t worry I’m completely okay. It scared me so I started crying really hard and my legs and hands were shaking really bad I couldn’t even walk because of how bad my legs were shaking. But yeah word of advice, DO NOT SIT ON A BIKE RACK AND LET GO WITH YOUR HANDS!!!!! NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!! Yeah I don’t know why I did but I won’t even sit on anything that my feet are off of the ground now that’s how bad it scared me. I’m not joking. So yeah talk about embarrassing, my whole class had to leave the park early. But at least I now know that my one friend Hayden Sharp cares. Bro it was so weird all of the boys that were there kept asking me if I was ok and a few asked multiple times just to make sure. So I found out that people do care. But why didn’t any of the girls ask????? I’m serious none of the girls ask but every boy did, isn’t that weird???, I mean don’t get me wrong they all are nice but I haven’t ever been a very popular person to those boys, actually i wasn’t even friends with half of them. Wyatt even looked syphathetic which made me feel a lot better. Yeah you read that right, Mr glares a lot looked syphathetic and very concerned. That actually made me smile, I’m serious I actually smiled at him while I was crying at lunch. Then all of the teachers were Making me laugh. That was one of the best,worst days ever. Best since like half of the school was really nice and friendly and tried to make me feel better and worst because……. Well…… you know.
Guess who?????? ???????????????????????? Hi Jackson! How have you been doing? I’m sorry I haven’t been writing comment but I will just say this, I’ve been a little bit distracted, but nevermind that I just really need to talk to you since I have a lot to talk about. Ok so I got new glasses today and I love them. I also had a schedule change but now I can talk to my two favorite friends. So I really think that Wyatt davenport is a really good friend and yeah he’s funny. So I saw that Los Angeles had some snow today. I guess I might have a crush on Wyatt davenport. You probably don’t care but I just needed to say that I have been holding it in for a lot of weeks so I have a lot that I had to hold back. also I think you would be great friends with Wyatt since he is very nice and he is cool. But he caught a football that went over his head and it was a really good catch. He honestly makes me feel very happy since we have a lot of good memories together. But yeah you are a really cool actor. I also really like your singing.
You are my go-to person now Jackson since you said that sushi is good for you and your right!!!!?. I mean I definitely need to try sushi now!!!? Your so trustworthy and I mean it. I 100% trust you and your options. So congratulations on that since I normally don’t say that, seriously the most I have ever trusted someone until you was maybe 50% but I definitely trust you 100%. Btw I finally got the courage to write a note to my school crush and I put it in his locker so now we’ll see what happens.
BRO THE INTERNET HAS A PICTURE OF WYATT DAVENPORT ALONG WITH MY WHOLE 6 TH GRADE CLASS!!!!!!!! YES I’M ALSO IN THE PICTURE BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT!!!!! HE DOESN’T LOOK VERY HAPPY THOUGH. I’m so confused and nervous ok no I’m not but seriously I was just joking around and looked up the picture and it actually poped up. Hey I’m famous ???????????????????????? JK I’m not. Well I mean, ……… not yet……… Ok I’ll be quiet about that now but still it made me feel like my heart literally stopped and like I wasn’t even breathing it surprised me that much!!!!!!!! But if you do happen to see the picture the boy standing to the right of the person in the middle of the back row (that is me) and one person over from being right next to me that’s Wyatt davenport.
Ok HOT N COLD is exactly how I feel about the boy in my grade cause it describes him perfectly since he was so nice to me last year but now he is very mean for no reason. Like did I make him mad or something like that??? But he’s so confusing calling all the monsters is very accurate for my opinion since I’m on to the boy who is very mean this year cause I’m almost figured out why hes so mean maybe. Anyway how are you Jackson Dollinger??? Oh have you seen underwraps yet??? It’s Awesome!!!!? It made me jump 3 times in a row but it also made me feel sad. I honestly don’t know why but it did. Also you will be very happy to hear that your friend christian j Simon was very funny in the movie I really think they all did a great job in the movie. So if you get the chance I recommend it to you. You like funny things right?? I have never seen you in any pictures when you weren’t smileing. You are very funny and I think we’d be very good friends if I ever meet you at all. You’re very cool and from what I can see your very funny and sweet. BRO YOU HELPED 72 HOMLESS PEOPLE IN LOS ANGLES!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN’T TELL ME THAT YOUR NOT VERY SWEET!!!!? YOU JUST CAN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly don’t care if anyone else says that your not awesome because you are!!!!!! It’s unbelievable your just perfect!!!!!! Sorry but it’s true. Yes I have a crush on you but I think I have a very valid reason for liking you. I can’t believe it that you helped 72 homeless people in Los Angeles California!!!!! Dude!!!! You’re very cool like very very very very very very very very very cool. I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You are awesome ????????????????????????????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ok I don’t understand why this one boy in my grade is being so mean since I thought we were friends. Maybe I just really got confused about what he was trying to do when he was really nice last year and he was super fun to be around but now every time I see him I just don’t feel like he cares about being nice anymore. It kinda makes me feel really sad since we were making really good progress on trying to get to know each other. He even purposely walked right by my desk and he always acted very interested in what I was doing and he even lightly taped my finger when we were playing heads up seven up. Ok this is off topic but he has such a light and gentle touch. Not that I care but I seriously cried the one day since he was really mean. I just want to be friends again. And I seriously considered him a very nice and cool friend and I thought he felt the same way but I guess I was really wrong. So Jackson I just really hope you never have to go through that since it’s not fun. Have a great weekend!!!
What the heck!!! Bro you have some really creepy fans!! Ops, sorry,I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just………..ok weird question, how many pictures do and did you post with you wearing a jean jacket???? I’m not stalking you or anything but your one fan has a picture of you and I’ve never seen it before, not that it’s important for me to know I just was surprised when I saw it. Ok please don’t hate this and think I’m stalking you because I’m NOT, NO WAY!!! But I have pictures of you that YOU posted on the internet and when I saw the fans picture of you I just was curious if you posted it before and I just haven’t ever seen it, or, the fan is just a total creep. Again I’m sorry if I’m being offensive but that’s not good if they are stalking you Jackson. Ok actually I can’t say anything since I kinda have over 100 pictures of you, BUT, BUT, , YOU AND ONLY YOU, posted them!!! So I’m sorry but okay I have a crush on you, so what? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. Ok maybe I am but seriously can you blame me???? Like actually blame me??? No you can’t. Your just so cool and I, I’m not, ok there I said it, I’m not cool, but you are. Oh and your only two years older than me so it’s fair that I have a crush on you, ok, it’s totally fair. But in my opinion you probably won’t be very happy if you see this, sorry. Also I’m pretty sure that I might go to sleep before you do. The reason I’m saying that is since it’s 3:00 PM in LOS ANGELES right now and where I live it’s 6:00 PM so we are exactly 3 hours apart Time wise. You can thank geography and my older sister for me knowing that. Sorry again Jackson for saying weird things. I hope you have a great day and get a great sleep. From your most loyal fan and maybe friend. PS your very convincing, I’m seriously considering trying sushi because of you. Ok goodnight!!!
What the heck!!! Bro you have some really creepy fans!! Ops, sorry,I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just………..ok weird question, how many pictures do and did you post with you wearing a jean jacket???? I’m not stalking you or anything but your one fan has a picture of you and I’ve never seen it before, not that it’s important for me to know I just was surprised when I saw it. Ok please don’t hate this and think I’m stalking you because I’m NOT, NO WAY!!! But I have pictures of you that YOU posted on the internet and when I saw the fans picture of you I just was curious if you posted it before and I just haven’t ever seen it, or, the fan is just a total creep. Again I’m sorry if I’m being offensive but that’s not good if they are stalking you Jackson. Ok actually I can’t say anything since I kinda have over 100 pictures of you, BUT, BUT, , YOU AND ONLY YOU, posted them!!! So I’m sorry but okay I have a crush on you, so what? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. Ok maybe I am but seriously can you blame me???? Like actually blame me??? No you can’t. Your just so cool and I, I’m not, ok there I said it, I’m not cool, but you are. Oh and your only two years older than me so it’s fair that I have a crush on you, ok, it’s totally fair. But in my opinion you probably won’t be very happy if you see this, sorry. Also I’m pretty sure that I might go to sleep before you do. The reason I’m saying that is since it’s 3:00 PM in LOS ANGELES right now and where I live it’s 6:00 PM so we are exactly 3 hours apart Time wise. You can thank geography and my older sister for me knowing that. Sorry again Jackson for saying weird things. I hope you have a great day and get a great sleep. From your most loyal fan and maybe friend.
Ok dude, DID SOMEONE JUST SAY YOUR CUTE??????!!!! I mean you kinda are but still!!!!!!!!!! Oops sorry, I really like you, ok??? But seriously your so cool and sweet!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I’m wrong but I’m sure you have a LOT of friends, right??? I wouldn’t be surprised if you do. Really I wouldn’t.
How are you Jackson????? So I have a question for you have you ever heard elevate by Big Time Rush??? I’m literally listening to it and I just was wondering. Oh I actually have another question for you how is school going for you if you are in person that is? I just am hoping you are having fun and having a great time with your family and friends. I’m a huge fan of your songs and you. Sorry if that’s weird but it’s true. Anyway have a great weekend and week!!!!!!?
Have you ever heard Big Time Rush sing?????? They are really good and there songs are so catchy I’m actually listening to them right now and trust me they are good. So are you Jackson but they just make me want to dance and i don’t dance like at all, unless I have to, but even then it’s really embarrassing for me since I don’t have good timeing or rythum what so ever. You do though and let me say that you are awesome at dance. BRO!!!! THEY ARE PLAYING ALL OF THE GOOD SONGS BUY BIG TIME RUSH!!!!! I love this song I’m literally about to start dancing I love there music!!!!! BRO!!!! Sorry I’m just, I love this song!!! But anyway you are so good at rymeing, rythum, dancing, and sing wich go together very well. I only know one dance. Ok good night and get a good sleep.!!!
I know how it feels to be scared so Bad that you can’t sleep trust me I actually feel sorry for you since it’s torcher expecally when you have school that very next day!!!!!( Yes that has happened to me before, I literally couldn’t watch TV since I was terrified of zombies Disney showed the zombies move and my oldest sister turned it on and I literally ran out of the room since I was to scared from my nightmare, I COULDN’T EVEN CRY, SCREAM, OR BARELY BREATH I WAS SO SCARED!!!!!!!! Also I
think I kept trying to get my grandma but I couldn’t stand up or move at all since was so scared so Jackson yes I do feel bad for you.
Also you are literally exactly 2. Years older than I am so Jackson I can relate to what you say.
I’m sorry that was a weird way to end the comment. So Jackson you are so funny and btw you are a AMAZING singer I’m literally listening to all of your songs right now. You just are perfect, definitely. I know that is weird to say expecally since you don’t know me personally or at all and I don’t know you personally either but I don’t think I can hold it back anymore, Jackson I think you’re so sweet and selfless and I think you’re an awesome person and I really like you, like I REALLY like you a lot. I literally laugh at anything and everything you say and do. So Jackson yes as you probably can guess I have a small crush on you. Please don’t think about it I can’t help it, I’m sorry. I’m only 12 so please don’t judge me for saying that, please PS wait or run is so good, all of your songs are really good actually. I’m yours 2 is just how I feel about you, sorry this is my first time with a small crush so Jackson I’m so sorry for being awkward and weird. I know that I won’t ever meet you ever in my life and I’ll probably forget about my crush on you and have a different crush by next year ,maybe, we’ll see. But can you blame me for liking you Jackson? Your perfect. I’m not joking. You are so good at expressing your feelings in your songs and I kinda want to be like you. I even did a hole presitation on acting since you made me want to be a actress.( It will never happen but I can dream) I just wanted to say that you kinda are like a friend to me since I don’t really have any friends and I know so much about you Jackson that I feel like I know you personally even though I don’t. So Jackson I hope you have a great night and I hope you are having a great year so far. Love your biggest fan ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ok I’m sorry but Jackson you fell in front of everyone!!!!!!! I’m sorry for laughing cause trust me I know how you feel but it’s really funny, and I’m sorry if that makes you upset to hear but you have to admit it seems very funny. Also a kid in my homeroom was standing up from getting something off of the floor and he fell down backwards and I had to hold my breath to stop myself from laughing really hard and he was standing in front of me so I didn’t want to laugh at him cause again I know how that feels. I’m trying to be nice but it’s just so funny. But yes definitely embarrassing. I know that this happened two years ago but I just can’t help asking, were you ok, Like did you get hurt at all???????? If you did then I feel bad for laughing and saying that it’s funny. You and I share a zodiac sign by the way. Oh and Jackson again I’m sorry for laughing. You are so cool ????????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Also I just want to let you know that I am someone who if someone falls.,Trips, loses their footing ext. I HAVE TO ask if they are ok. I just feel very bad for someone if they get hurt cause then I don’t want to be mean. In 4 grade I literally almost cried when my really good friend Kayden hurt himself somehow. I wasn’t even the one that was hurt and I still almost cried!!!!!!! I HATE,HATE,HATE seeing people get hurt cause I know really well how it feels trust me I will make sure someone is ok before I laugh or anything else. I fractured my ankle in first grade so I know exactly how it feels and trust me it hurts like crazy!!!!! But anyway Kayden hurt himself somehow and I had to leave since I couldn’t bear to see him crying and hurt it makes me feel sad and upset. Here is a example of how sad and upset it makes me I couldn’t even play with my other friends since I was so upset at seeing him hurt and crying it felt like my heart literally broke ( I know that can’t happen but it still felt like that) so therefore that is why I asked you if you were ok after the chair tipped over and you fell. Plus I might have a small Crush on you, Sorry but I just want you to know. When you were acting in Sydney to the max and you did this one scene where your character max was crying you sounded so sad and upset that I almost cried myself. I had to literally leave the room to wipe my tears that were forming and get a drink so I wouldn’t cry. Yes I know that is very weird but if I’m drinking water then I can for one hide my face so no one knows that I’m about to cry but it also gives me water then I have enough water in my mouth and body(you can’t live without it) so that I won’t be able to cry and also I then have a reason to leave the room. Bye!!!!!
You’re so cute and you’re awesome skate I know and I know your height 4‘5” Inches You’re perfect boyfriend but I don’t have a boyfriend and me a buzz when the you’re perfect boyfriend nameed Jackson Dollinger if you and I know you hair color dark brown I know your eye color brown and your birthday is january 19 2007 I meet you I know you were age 12 years old
Hey Jackson!Hru. What do you want for Christmas ????????????⛄???? this year?Are you naughty or nice on the nice list. Did you ask for Santa Claus ???? what do you want for Christmas ????????????⛄ this year. I would love to meet you and greet u Jackson. Jackson,What do you want for Christmas ????????????⛄???? this year in 2019. Are you going to cook a Christmas Dinner, this year in 2019.The season 2 premiere of #sydneytothemax premiere tonight at 8:30pm on @disneychannel on Friday, December 13th 2019. Did you know that you skip everybody reply on your comment @jacksondollinger and include me @almoore433 on your reply comment @jacksondollinger on your last post about It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas ????????????⛄ on your Instagram account @jacksondollinger. I send you a 28 comment on your last post about It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas ????????????⛄ on your Instagram @jacksondollinger, and I also send you a few comment on your new reply on your add comment @jacksondollinger on your new post about Hoped you enjoyed the Christmas episode of????????????⛄ #sydneytothemax for #season2 on @DisneyChannel on your Instagram @jacksondollinger. Jackson,Don’t forget to check your last post that you skip everybody comment and include me @almoore433, on your Instagram @jacksondollinger, about It’s beginning to feel like a lot like Christmas ????????????⛄ on your last post on your Instagram @jacksondollinger, & also don’t forget to check your new post that I send you a few comment on your new reply on your add comment @jacksondollinger on your new post about Hoped you enjoyed the Christmas episode ????????????⛄ of #sydneytothemax for #season2 on @DisneyChannel, on your Instagram @jacksondollinger. I hope you enjoyed watching the new episode of #sydneytothemax for Christmas episode ????????????⛄ of #sydneytothemax for #season2 on @DisneyChannel. I like to also to congratulations on #season2 of #sydneytothemax on @DisneyChannel for this year in 2019, and next year in 2020.Jackson, How long does it take to hear back from you on my email ✉????, at almoore433@yahoo.com✉????. You can contact me on my email at almoore433@yahoo.com✉????. Jackson, I like to hear from you right away, at almoore433@yahoo.com✉????. Today is Monday, Dec 16 2019. Have you finishing your Christmas shopping ????????????⛄ yet at the mall.I am looking forward to chat with you this coming week on Monday, December 16th, 2019 through Friday, December 20th 2019. Those gingerbread houses look amazing. I send you a new comment on your new post from your Instagram @jacksondollinger, about Dakota Lotus (@dakota_lotus) birthday ???????????????????????????? on Monday,December 16th 2019. Did you decorated your Christmas tree ????????????⛄ last weekend on Saturday, December 14th, or Sunday, December 15th. It’s beginning to look like a lot like Christmas Party ????????????. I hope you wish Dakota Lotus (@dakota_lotus) a Happy 15th Birthday ???????????????????????? today on Mon, Dec 16th 2019. I didn’t realize today is Dakota Lotus (@dakota_lotus) birthday ???????????????????? today on Mon, Dec 16th 2019. Don’t forget to check your last post on your Instagram @jacksondollinger,???? about It’s beginning to feel like a lot like Christmas ???????????? from your Instagram @jacksondollinger, and also don’t forget to check your new post????, about Hoped you enjoyed the Christmas episode ????????????⛄???? on your Instagram @jacksondollinger. I would like to hear back from you right away from my email✉???? at almoore433@yahoo.com✉????, and my Instagram at, @almoore433. Can you tagged me at #almoore433, from my Instagram @almoore433. I will talk to you later,this week? Jackson Dollinger, This is your biggest number 1 fan Al. P.S. Jackson, I always wanted to be your biggest fan from your show of Sydney to the Max on Disney Channel! The correct time is in Charlotte, NC, is 5:13?
do you and leo want to live with me.