Yasmeen Fletcher was born in Orange County, CA then moved to Las Vegas, NV at the age of 3. She lived there until December 2018 when she moved back to LA to pursue her acting career.
A singer since the age of 2 and an actress since the age of 13, she’s always had a love for the entertainment industry. Next year, she has two movies coming out: Let Us In (2020) and Upside Down Magic (2020)
Here’s 5 fast facts about Yasmeen!

Her overall goal is just to stay in the biz for as long as possible.
Obviously, there are a lot of things that I would love to accomplish in the industry such as win an Oscar, work with some of my idols, get a star on the Walk of Fame; things like that. But as far as my one ultimate showbiz goal goes, I’d say that it’s to be able to stay in this industry (as cheesy as that sounds). My absolute biggest goal is to do what I do as long as I love it.
She plays it cool around big celebs.
Believe it or not I have never been starstruck! I really don’t get starstruck because I think of almost all celebrities as just normal people. I have a few exceptions like Meryl Streep or Zendaya, but other than that I don’t think I can get starstruck.
A crowd of 4,000 saved her once.
About 2 or 3 years ago I got the opportunity to sing the national anthem for the Las Vegas 51’s and it was by far the biggest crowd I had ever sang for. (It was around 4,000 people.) I worked myself up so much that I forgot probably the most famous line of the song I’ve known my entire life. I completely blanked on “and the rockets red glare” and I sat there in the middle of the field, blank faced until the crowd picked up the next line for me. I was extremely embarrassed until I found out that everyone in the audience thought the mic cut out!!
She started off with another language besides english.
I think most people would be surprised to know that english was not my first language! I actually spoke only Arabic until I was about 4.
Keep the helix pomatia off her plate please.
I will not eat snails. I refuuuseeeee to eat escargot. I know it’s a delicacy in some places but the thought of it makes my stomach turn.