Instagram star Nakia Jenkins, better known as @OfficialNakia, is an American social media video creator, Instagram personality and influencer from Montgomery, Alabama. He is most popular for his funny videos reacting to beauty content on Instagram and has amassed 250,000+ followers.
What’s surprising about Nakia is that he does not have a huge YouTube presence, choosing to focus on Instagram. Find out why, and a few other interesting tidbits, in the following 5 Fast Facts about Official Nakia!

He’s made Instagram a real money-maker.
I chose to use Instagram for my content because the monetization rates for creators on YouTube are nowhere near the income I make as an influencer on Instagram with stories and videos I am paid to promote for various brands and companies.
He has an awesome plan to use his influence to help people.
My overall goal is to segway into some sort-of life coaching/motivational speaking career. Where I can use the fame I gathered as an influencer to work to bring happiness and joy to others. I want to use my talents to help others.
There’s one video of his he really loves.
My favorite video of myself is a reaction to a bloody creepy makeup look. I am a beauty influencer and know a lot about this area, and seeing something makeup related that made me gag is hilarious to me
He needs his alone time.
Something people would be surprised to know about me is that I am an introvert more so than an extrovert. That is part of why I love social media because I recharge and do my best work alone, but that does not mean that I am not social and I still love talking to everyone. I just need my alone time to recharge .
He would love to collab with________.
I would most like to collaborate with the Queen of Memes Miss Jasmine Masters. Every video she makes turns into a meme and I would love to get to work with and learn from someone who could help take my content to the next level.
My favorite content creators besides myself are Shane Dawson, Pew Die Pie, and Jefree Star. All are rolemodels of how far I aspire to make it in the entertainment industry.
No slaw please.
The one food I REFUSE to eat is coleslaw. Point blank period.

hi joesph @tritntiy morisette