Short: Let’s talk about the effect on teenagers when access from a fruitful social, educational and personal life is taken away, and how they deal with it.

Teen years are an important and challenging shift in everyone’s life. Along with growing pains, the rise of the pandemic has undoubtedly stunted a large population of teenagers’ growth and development. To combat the Covid19 virus, a large number of funding cuts and a shortage of staff at hospitals have resulted in a decrease in medical help available for teenagers.
Here we will talk about the effect on teenagers when access from a fruitful social, educational and personal life is taken away, and how they deal with said changes.
How Has Implementing Restrictions Affected Teenagers?
The pandemic has stunted emotional, mental, and physical growth for a lot of teenagers, and whenever something in life does not go as planned, it is not unnatural for people to find a coping mechanism to allow themselves an escape from reality.
Studies conducted by the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System found that in 2021 more than 11,000 teenagers were being treated for substance abuse and dependency.
How Does Addiction Affect Teenagers?
Substance abuse in adolescence can result in a declining academic performance, physical and mental health. Since most vital organs such as the brain are still developing during teenage, addiction could permanently stunt growth in terms of memory, puberty, and physical development.
If a teen is addicted, relationships with peers and family could likely be skewed as well.
What Can the Lack of Support for Teenagers with Addiction Result In?
Since substance abuse is regarded as a chronic disease, if gone untreated the long-term effects may be fatal, especially if it manifests at a young age.
Though most brain damage caused can be treated through consistent treatment, long-term substance abuse could result in control loss of the motor system. If addicted teens are not provided adequate support from loved ones, their mental state and familial relationships could be further jeopardized.
How Could the Situation Affect Future Generations?
Even if you or a loved one has not been infected by the virus, the mental strain and stress caused due to the sudden change in lifestyles can harm upcoming generations.
Though not a lot of research has been conducted regarding the direct impact of the Corona Virus on future generations due to the disease’s recentness, there is conclusive evidence providing insight towards a potential future based on previous pandemics such as SARS (2002), or the 1918 Influenza epidemic. Effects include a lower adult mortality rate and depression by the age of 50 brought about through exposure to maternal infections.
Teenagers developing a substance addiction in midst of the pandemic can be even more harmful. If their substance addiction is not treated and teenagers go into adulthood without rehabilitation, the long-term effects of drug abuse can be passed onto future generations.
If substances like opioids, or alcohol are used during pregnancy, foetuses can be born with developmental issues such as impaired growth and cognition. Additionally, the risk of miscarriage spikes along with the baby undergoing withdrawal post-birth.
What Can Be Done to Help?
As society is progressing, all sorts of help can be provided to teenagers suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction. Regardless of the age or stage of addiction, recovery and rehabilitation can always be possible.
If the adolescent has a more deep-rooted history of abuse, getting them enrolled in a rehabilitation centre can be crucial. If you wish to look for safe rehabs suited specifically for a teen suffering from an addiction, you can head on to to find good-quality rehabilitation centres based in the UK, Asia, and Europe.
Considering a macro-perspective-based approach, a better funding plan should be provided to hospitals around the UK to make sure all teenagers receive routine check-ups and interventions can be brought early on before the addiction is developed.
To help deal with recovery and keep the teenager suffering’s mental health in check, they can also be admitted into therapy. Programs specifically curated for teenagers struggling with substance abuse could be more helpful for a successful recovery.
The oncoming pandemic has surely taken a toll on the population’s health. However, it is important to educate and provide help to make sure children don’t have to suffer from addiction.
#1:Imposing restrictions has inadvertently impeded areas of growth and development for teenagers.
#2: Since the body has not fully developed, addiction in teenagers could bring fatal changes to the body, relationships, and personal growth.
#3:If an intervention is not brought early on, substance abuse in youth is likely to cause permanent damage to the body. A lack of support can also demotivate the user from seeking out help.
#4: Though long-term effects are yet to be recorded, abusing substances during pregnancy could stunt the foetus’ growth. Additionally, mental stress from dealing with pandemics can also impact an infant’s development in the womb.
#5:Looking for proper rehabilitation programs and therapy options with support is important to help teens suffering from addiction.
To conclude, if you or a loved one is facing issues with addiction, reach out for help to ensure a better quality of life.