For most guys, puberty is tough. You begin to change physically and, unfortunately, it’s not all in one go either. During this time, the hormone levels in your body are continuously changing and you may feel like a complete buffoon at times. It is good to remember, however, that all of the changes you are experiencing are completely normal and have real biological explanations.

Getting Tongue-Tied When Talking to Your Crush
Have you ever wondered why you just can’t seem to say the right thing to your beautiful crush? Scientists say that during puberty there is actual change in the neurotransmission of the brain, aka how your brain communicates within itself. Most areas that change are linked to learning and attention span, explaining why it is difficult to concentrate and find the right words to say to a beautiful girl!
Uneven Beard Growth
One of the most noticeable traits of puberty is beard growth. During this time, your hair follicles are stimulated to begin growing at a faster rate but uneven rate. After that time, if you want to have a serious beard, you can use beard growth oil. This is due to the fact that beard follicles are responsive to testosterone levels, which are all over the map during your adolescent years. It often takes years for your beard to start growing evenly, so you might want to hang on to your razor for now.
Pit Checks
Sweat is connected to odor so when you sweat more, you start to stink more. During puberty, you might realize that you stink way more than before and that is due to an increase in sweat. The hormones that are changing and increasing cause you to sweat more and therefore stink more. No matter how much body spray claims to help with this, most people do not like the smell—so steer away! Using deodorant and taking frequent showers is your best shot at smelling better and making you feel more confident as a result!
Taking a “Crack” at It!
Sometimes, voice changes might happen as your voice gets deeper. As you age, your larynx, the part of your throat holding the vocal cords, gets bigger and your vocal cords may thicken causing your voice to get deeper. Again, this does not happen all at once and sometimes these changes can cause your voice to crack. It can be embarrassing when it occurs, especially depending on who’s around to hear it. To help, when speaking try to relax, speak slowly and drink plenty of water to help!
All of these changes can be scary and frustrating to handle. Do your best to educate yourself on what might change and remember that it just takes time to take it all in and be confident!