5 Fast Facts about model & teen reporter Amaya Alicia Cruz

Amaya Alicia Cruz is a rising teen model from Steveston, B.C. Amaya started her journey as a model just over a year ago and has already walked the runways of New York Fashion Week, Vancouver Kids Fashion Week, Vancouver International Fashion Week with a total of 25 fashion shows under her belt. Amaya spends most of her off-time in person and on her social media as a Youth Mental Health advocate after suffering a deep depression herself. Amaya has inspired others to be themselves and is now honored to be a reporter for Teens Wanna Know!

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Here’s 5 fast facts about Amaya!

amaya alicia cruz

Her most memorable moment as a model so far is:

Hey I am Amaya Cruz and I would have to say 100% walking New York Fashion Week this year. I love New York and all the hype with the shows and amazing after parties! I can’t wait to be back in 2024

Her superpower is her determination.

Well I feel like I’m just an ordinary person but I would say I’m a pretty determined and strong person which means I enjoy challenges & never give in.

She stands up for those who struggle with mental health.

I believe there are negative pressures in whatever or wherever you go but staying true to yourself has always been important to me. I’ve been transparent in my struggles with the depression I went through and now I help other teens that are struggling through a great organization. It makes me happy to let others my age know it will be ok and it’s OK to not be ok. 

She is suprisingly quiet for someone in the public eye.

I am an introvert! I love being at home and spending time by myself. People wouldn’t think that through seeing my Instagram because I am busy with being model, shoots, shows and softball but when I have downtime I love being alone! Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends and family but being by myself is so nice too! If you are the same, you understand ha ha 🙂

She’ll pass on THIS food item but will take an extra helping of this OTHER treat:

I am such a foodie, so this is a hard question! I will always try something no matter what once! But if I was to say one thing, I dislike the texture of shrimp and prawns! I am a huge banana split/ ice cream fan though! Who isn’t?! 

Selfie time!



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